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i think they should make a Yuuzhan Vong CIV


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Well that's true but..........................................................................................................................................................................................Oh now I got it. Maybe more people know what a wookiee is but is that enough to make a civ?One single very popular wookiee? Oh I guess I said very popular.........I don't care a load of crap! I want my Yuuzhan Vong civ!

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If they don't know about the Vong, then they aren't proper Star Wars fans.


Ooh, that get's me fired up. Sure, I know what the Vong are even though I've never read a NJO book and I am a Star Wars fan. But I really hate people that suggest you're not a Star Wars fan if you don't indulge in the EU.


In reply to someone elses post above, yes I do hate EU and yes I have had bad experiences with it. It is sci-fi trash of the sort they make low-grade sci-fi TV shows out of like Farscape and Babylon 5. Suggesting it is anything like the movies is an insult. EU pollutes the Star Wars Galaxy. Know, would anyone dare suggest I'm not a Star Wars fan?


Besides, SWGB is not made just for "Star Wars fans". Nearly all of my friends who aren't Star Wars fans who have seen the SWGB box lying around my place have picked it up and said "cool, you get to have Jedis" or something of the sort. While the LucasArts marketing people have made some mistakes in the past, they are not nearly stupid enough to exclude part of the market. Ask yourself this: If you picked up the SWGB box and instead of Vader's head and some AT-ATs and stormtroopers on it was Echuu Shen Jon's head and some pummels and Gungan fighters on it would you think it was nearly as cool? My point is Star Wars is a movie. SWGB is based on that movie. Lets keep it that way.

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Originally posted by emimar

I wish people would stop calling me a guy.


If they don't know about the Vong, then they aren't proper Star Wars fans.


I just want to kick some Vong ass...


What the ****?


Admiral Vostok- Well not all EU books were bad. You should read some that are good. They have different authors so different kinds of book. You have judged all of the EU about a few books that aren't great. There are a lot more books. And no one proposed to put their faces on the box.

Example of a game that is almost completely based on EU: Star Wars Galaxies. Although you might say the characters are not based on EU, how many non-star wars fan know what a correllian is? It only means that you don't have to be all about the movies or you would never hav a game.

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Yes, i've read a few EU books i did not care for, but as far as books go, they are satisfactory enough. I don't like some aspects of the NJO, such as maKING CheWiE DIEING IN tHE FirST boOK!!


Possible spoiler---





but in one of the recent books, the New repub. (rebel alliance) had to move their headquarters to Kashyyyk, where I anticiapate some really entertaining battles if and when the vong invade that world--i picture beserkers (which are vagely EU) fighting Yuuzhan Vong warriors, backed by New republic troops.


Of course I can understand others opinions that the EU is a load of poo, even though the EU rescues me if i am very bored (when the computer is occupied).

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All the civ. that interacted with the Vong are simply the Republic, Trade Federation, and when they invaded, the New Republic, and the Wookies.


So now that that excuss is out, why shouldn't it be included.



"But not everyone enjoys the njo"

They don't have to play with the vong, or fight them. If they do, they will have a new challange from the continous attacks

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Actually I have read quite a few EU books. I'll admit some are great, but others are so bad they bring the rest down. I stand by my statement that you don't have to like the EU to be a Star Wars fan. Does anyone disagree?


As for making Chewie die - I think this is actually a strong point of the NJO. The worst part about most of the EU is that it is so predictable. There was one book (possibly Courtship of Princess Leia, can't remember) where Mon Mothma was sick and going to die. But at the end they made her better and everything was alright. That was so lame.


I should add I wouldn't care whether or not they do add the Vong, I understand I don't have to use them, but my point is they aren't well known enough for LucasArts employees to toil over civ art when many people buying the game won't know who the hell they are.

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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

I like EU which explains events from inbetween the episodes, such as SoTE.


Maybe a little for what happened after the Battle Of Endor, becuase in the end of the film u see Coruscant is retaken but u don't actually see it happen.


That's true but it has nothing to do with the Vong


Vostok-You don't have to like EU to really like SW but after people buy the game, maybe they will know about the Vong. Retaking a earlier statement, if all video games needed to be based on a movie, no game company would be able to sell other stuff.

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i think more of the books are great than bad.


all the timothy zahn books should be read by anybody who calls themselves a SW fan.


the centerpoint trilogy is good.


the jedi academy trilogy isnt that bad.


the dark empire comics are wonderful.


the newer han solo trilogy giving up some of his background is great.


most of the short story comps have a lot of great stories.


the vong books are really fun to read, it is all about creating a NEW threat and changing around the normal fair.

and i think it is a cool achievement that each author picks up where the other one leaves off and refrences older books.


if you want to escape to the star wars universe then most of the books do the job.

i admit some of them blow, but it really is hard to mess up the star wars universe.


but honestly, lucas has said, the only thing that is true canon in the star wars universe is the movies....(and a lot of people won't even agree if they are all good......the bastards)

if he wants to rewrite what the books say he can, though they are offically sanctioned as part of the star wars universe.


all that said....the vong would be an awsome secret CIV, if you read the books, dont read the books, are a huge fan, or are not a huge fan.


the sci-fi involved with the vong is just really cool.

though i havent seen any of their strike mechs thus far ;D....


oh wait they do have those giant fire breathing things.

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Btw, I've read none of the EU novels (not even the novelization of the movies). I still consider myself a diehard Star Wars fan though. People argue that if you don't read the books then you aren't a "true" fan. I look at it just the other way. If you taint yourself with the novelizations, instead of simply following Lucas's story, then you're the one not being true to it...



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Originally posted by angbandadmin

and to make a point.

if you are playing SWGB as a casual fan you won't recognize half of the mechs or ships anyway.


some of the mechs for the empire come from the dark horse comics BTW. and i dont see anybody bitching about that.



U don't need to. They make the civ complete. U only need to recognise the civ and if most of the film units are there u will be happy with it.


Also u will recognise just about all the mechs. True, u won't recognise the ships, but u know who controls them and to what civ they belong.


Unlike Vong, were the casual player will not recognise any of them.

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I think they shouldn't add any more civilizations and just concentrate on adding more units to each current civilization. Plus it would be nice if they added additional buildable buildings and more upgrades. It would also be nice to see more structures added to the "other" and "building" category in scenerio editor. I would also like to see more heros added to each civilization in the scenario editor.

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I would most definitely like to see the Yuuzhan Vong in GB 2 (if it exists), and I'd like them to fit into a New Republic/Yuuzhan Vong/possibly Imperial Remnant (do they fit into the NJO storyline?) campaign. This is because they represent the largest threat (and have had the largest impact eg. Chewie, which I congratulate the wonderful Salvatore on) to the New Republic since the end of the Empire, and the best option to choose as a campaign.


About the whole "I hate EU," "EU civs are not a viable option," etc. It is quite clear that a game cannot in any way totally be based around the movies. Even ignoring the minute details, the current game needed to include a whole slab of new units and a new civ for the sake of gameplay. And I'm quite fine with this- after all, what is realism in the face of a good game?


In case you didn't notice, GB itself is classified as EU. The Wookies are EU. The Gungan civ is mostly EU. Quite a large number of units from every civ are EU. Do the EU-haters not use these civs and units?


The casual fan thing- The majority of recognisable movie civs will still be there. In any case, the 'casual fan' might know nothing more than that Jedi have big glowy stick things and are really cool. This should in no way deter any game-player from the promise of varied civs and units, including an exotic mutant alien civ, completely unlike anything we've seen in the SW universe before.


Can we think about the gameplay factor for a second? Vong-New Republic war would make a great story and campaign. The vong military forces have been described in great detail in even the first five NJO books which I've read, and I'm sure the rest will be able to greatly elaborate. The vong are shown as a powerful force and would make a viable enemy to any civ.

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The Yuuzhan Vong, the New Republic and a few others are the only fully-fleshed civs available (other than the ones already in GB), and it would be madness not to include them, for reasons of both gameplay AND realism.


Edit: This bit wasn't supposed to be separate. Oops.

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Originally posted by CorranSec

In case you didn't notice, GB itself is classified as EU. The Wookies are EU. The Gungan civ is mostly EU. Quite a large number of units from every civ are EU. Do the EU-haters not use these civs and units?

Units...? Sure, I don't have a problem with it. But then, Lucas created the Wookies and the Gungans. He didn't create any of the post-RotJ stuff. As for having a problem with the EU, I really don't have a problem with it, I just don't really pay attention to it (specifically the novels, since I do play the various computer games). I just dislike people telling me that I'm not a "real" fan because I don't read the books. For that matter, I prefer support material for arguments made about the movies to come from the movies (or other Lucas canon) instead of trying to use some other author's work to explain something in Lucas's story...



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