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The taste of Grog


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It's rum diluted with water.


Oh! More from dictionary.com:


After Old Grog, nickname of Edward Vernon (1684-1757), British admiral who ordered that diluted rum be served to his sailors, from grogram(from his habit of wearing a grogram cloak).

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Originally posted by Punky Pirate

Nope, that was the instructions on how to get to Monkey Island. We're talking about the ingredients for grog. The three important looking pirates tell you them in MI1.


No one in their right mind would try minding would try making gorg from the ingredients you get in MI1!:eek:


You would be lucky merely to be alive if you drank that! Well, that is what I believe anyway.

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Originally posted by Jack the Black


No one in their right mind would try minding would try making gorg from the ingredients you get in MI1!:eek:


You would be lucky merely to be alive if you drank that! Well, that is what I believe anyway.


This is true, kinda obvious by the fact that it has large quantities of sulphuric acid and acetone in it! What else was there?


Red Dye#2



Can't remember anymore, would be highly volatile stuff and would more than likely burn out the inside of your mouth on contact, which is what it did to the grog mugs!! The poor cook.


Just shows you what pirates are made of though eh? :) If they can drink that they can do anything!

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I know this may make me look psychotic, but I DID IT!!!!!


I actually went into MI1, and figured out what the ingredients are that are put in grog! Of course, I had to go through about five times to get all the ingredients, then go through three times to get them in order, and then maybe two more times just checking myself, but here they are: IN ORDER...


1) Kerosene

2) Propylene Glycol

3) Artificial Sweeteners

4) Sulphuric Acid

5) Rum

6) Acetone

7) Red Dye No. 2

8) Scumm

9) Axle Grease

10) Battery Acid

11) and/or pepperoni


No more, no less. That's what grog has in it.

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Originally posted by Suuri Yksl

I know this may make me look psychotic, but I DID IT!!!!!


I actually went into MI1, and figured out what the ingredients are that are put in grog! Of course, I had to go through about five times to get all the ingredients, then go through three times to get them in order, and then maybe two more times just checking myself, but here they are: IN ORDER...


1) Kerosene

2) Propylene Glycol

3) Artificial Sweeteners

4) Sulphuric Acid

5) Rum

6) Acetone

7) Red Dye No. 2

8) Scumm

9) Axle Grease

10) Battery Acid

11) and/or pepperoni


No more, no less. That's what grog has in it.

Well I can toss out the obviously dangerous ones.. sulphuric acid, axle grease, battery acid, and scumm (since it as two m's, and must be refering to the game engine :)). If we use kerosene to heat it, we might actually use it in the preparation of it, so it could be tossed in as an ingredient in that sense. Trace quantities of acetone can actually be benificial to the liver, but given how much grog pirates drink, it probably would be best to leave it out (course the same could be said of any alcohol).


So what we basically have left is thick (propylene glycol is sometimes used as a thickening agent since it absorbs water), sweetened, reddish rum garnished with pepperoni. Yum.



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