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Hey, does anyone play Counter-Strike?


Can anyone tell me where to get the best bots

The newest patch


And, can anyone tell me how good it is on the new patch? I cant find anywhere to update, it says I dont have an internet connection when I try to auto-update :(

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Don't start playing the game. It is more addicting that heroine. Thankfully, I've been clean for all video games for a few months now. My brother and some of his friend however, are unable to break their addiction. They've been playing the game for years. Please, I beg of you, don't start.

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90% OF THE cs POSTINGS THAT i'VE READ LATELY IN...ups---sorry guys... I've had some drinks. :(


Anyways...what I meant to say was: The posts are usually along the lines:


"WTF I got lotz of cXheats but the guys Gots more of 'em Tell me sum more XhiitZ d3wdZ I'm getti' pnwed!!"


By: l337ic3M4N-86


.....so..........yeah. CS is not my "thang". :)



(Ps. Is anyone REALLY dumb enough to use l337-speak seriously?)

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My friend and I comminicate using l33t at our High School, and we are somewhat "trend setters."


You know something has gone too far when a random girl whom youve never said anything to comes up to you, and says, "w-t-f?"


I was hurt.....now my entire school pretty much is spamming l33t. Heh heh. I thought the revolution of l33t was cool at first...but now it's starting to anger me that we are copied so much. =(


Get something original, jeesh. =P

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Originally posted by ZDawg

Dude... look at your own sig :rolleyes:


My sig..yes...that's like ............... supposed to be....funny.. you know? Check the pic.


The pic totally cracked me up when I saw it the first time...


.........it was worth "siggin'".


PS. but l337-speak used *seriously*...that is simply sad. It's good material for jokes though...

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