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Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Academy - Work On Your MP Skills!


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[shameless plug]

Do you have problems getting duels to go the way you want them to go? Do you want a place to train and play with your fellow Jedi? Do you want to play like master? Then I suggest the Jedi Academy! Many classes are held throughout the week and with recent trainer promotions, you can even get a master if you find it neccesary!


Check out the FAQ page to answer any questions you may have.


Sign up with the Jedi Academy!


Unfortunately, applications have to be proccessed by hand, so it takes a day or two before you get your confirmation email :(


You can also find help on the IRC channel #JA! on the EnterTheGame Network! (The IRC server is irc.enterthegame.com)


Check it out. You won't regret it

[/shameless plug]

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Already a member but I just thought I'd spam as many JAT's as I can find to get my damn Journeyman trial, I waited for an hour last night, grrrrrrrrrrrrr. *Calms down* If there are 2 on tonight i'm gonna jump on em and not letem leave until they've tested me :)

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Eek! Another Academy thread!


Dath: the apps arent processed totally by hand anymore, but one of the head hanchos still has to look at it before we let you in. It takes roughly a day or so for us to get to your application.


Anyhow I hope ppl are having a good time with the academy and all. :)

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