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new to retail mmropg


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Welcome. I am Wraith 8. Your local sherrif :D. i hope you read the welcome thread at the top.


*Gives a large box full of small, chocolate covered gnorts.*


To begin your question:


1st. We have heard nothing of payement of anykind. we know we have to pay to play... but we dont know how much or HOW!.


2nd. this friend of yours.... where did he find this? can you post a link where he found this?


Thanx :D




-Wraith 8-

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Just out of curiousity...wraith, anyone, do you think player pay cards will be sold immediately upon release? It's not really a question of if but when. Obviously (imo), the cards will be sold. I'm just curious as to how they'll do it. (the cards weren't released for EQ until a year into the game...it was a "new" idea...)

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Do they sell game cards for EQ in Europe? I'm sure some game cards will be on the shelves at the release of SWG. Like someone else stated earlier they didnt at the release of EQ because the idea wasnt out then but I dont see any reason why they wouldnt do it now. They would lose some sales, maybe not alot, but some if they didnt sell the game cards.

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i have never played a rpg where you have to pay to play but i am definetely going to play this one im sure of it and i want to know what theses player pay cards are that you are talking about because i dont really understand what they are how they work and how i can use them

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