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Would maual blocking be better JO MP and SP


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Some of you know this but if you time it right you can swing your saber right at the bolts to hit them back at the enemy, it is a little more dramatic.

So the question, is would you have wanted it like powerbattles, where you can hold block, and guide the direction, of the saber, or would you just rather leave like it as is.


Whats more how do you think they can improve saber combat in the next game, they have already given control of all saber moves. More percise control perhaps

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Or like in epsiode 1 the game (yes I know it was terrible) where you have to swing to hit the blaster shots back, and it somehow knows that you're blocking and does a different animation. I can't see it being very effective against a repeater or E-11 blaster though.

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Manual blocking would be nice... It could be seen instantly if the opponent is skilled or not, since one must master the timing between blocking and attacking. When mastered, it would actually bring more safer feeling than the present "let the game decide if you're going to block or not", since blocking would depend on your actions only. It would become more... logical.

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I think for saber fights it should be manual blocking, and for weapons auto, but like in obiwan, if you want to deflect back at the enemy you have to hold down the force modifier button.


Personally I think the saber fighting should be based around blocking and stamina, the fun is in the block and making your enemy do what you want them to do. And if you have a 200 ping and you go up against someone with 24 ping....tough luck...

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I would keep it the way it is. You're sure you can swing your light saber at laser bolts and it actually reflects it back? I would like to see saber collisions be used more. Like instead of letting yourself be attack and let auto blocking do its work, you would instead attack back with a specific attack to counter the opposing strike. For instance, say your opponent does a diagonal slash from upper right to the bottom left. You can maybe counter it with a diagonal slash that goes from upper left to the bottom right. Immediately the sabers would bounce back to their original stance.

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I like the blocking on Jedi Power Battles.

Maybe they should've tried out the idea in tests before the game was released.

Holding a button to block makes more sense than trying to manually block laser fire.

Also being able to guide the shots to specific angles with movement or looking might be a good addition.

But the weapons in JK2 are a little more powerful than the usual dumb stormtrooper who can't usually hit the target with their blasters. :rolleyes::D

Button or Blocking like it is. Manual sounds a little too hard with bad pings, slow FPS and over-powerful weapons. :)

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