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useless compiles


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They're right you know. While it may have worked before, it's not working now. What you're seeing in the map IS in fact, your previous map. Since the compile failed, the old one was not written over with anything new.

Also don't look for junk.txt in windows, it's a temporary file under your user name ie.: "C:\Documents and Settings\Spoon_Gouge\Local Settings\Temp\junk.txt":rolleyes:


Incedently, my system is XP and the location would be similar for 2000 and I think ME. I offhand don't remember the location under 98.

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If you can see the progress of compiling, then there will be no junk.txt. If you can see only one line in that command prompt window ending with >....junk.txt where .... is a path, then you can find it.


And yes, load the pointfile. JK2Radiant does it for you automatically, in GTKRadiant you have to do it by selecting Pointfile from the File menu.


After this there will be a few red lines which connect the "leak spots". This will help you find out where the hole is. You can also use CTRL+SHIFT+K and CTRL+SHIFT+L to cycle through the spots if I remember. They are in the Misc Menu as Find next/prev leak spot.

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The fastest way is to run the bsp compile no vis/no light and then when it finishes, look for the (very noticable) red line that will show up in your map and run from one of your entities to the area that the light is escaping (ie your leak). You can also load your pointfile which will also bring up the "red line" in the middle of your map.


I hope this helps :)



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