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Speciality Units Needed

Dark Merkaba

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thats a great idea. weather specific upgrades!


but the problem i think would be that it could be too easy to upgrade to the snow trooper with the current type of upgrading procedures. i think that the game should go on a more advanced way of getting new technology and weapons. again im refering to deadlock, have a vast amount of technologies and buildings that can only research certain ones. say, to make a heavy trooper you will need to know the heavy blaster technology, advanced armor tech, and advanced training. with those three you would now be able to build a heavy trooper.

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Crazy Dog is kinda right about it being to much for the average gamer. I continue to support the reducing LOS and other for weather effects but I must object against those kind of upgrades. It gets confusing. However, in snowy places, you could build snowtroopers or Rebel Hoth Troopers instead of he normal trooper.

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Yeah, weather specific upgrades could be a a tad confusing. Though it depends how it works. If you've got a clearly defined area in which a blizzard is raging, it would be clear that the blizzard slows down normal troopers while snowtroopers are unaffected. It depends on how it is represented. The average gamer would need to be able to immediately tell why his normal trooper is slowed down and can't see much.

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Personally, i like the idea of random storms. The weather thing im not too worried about, but storms would be nice as a feature that affects battle, and should really be avoided, otherwise your enemy could tear you up.


With the 'weather specific upgrade' thing, i dont think its a good idea. Instead, when playing on, for example, an ice planet, all empire infantry should appear as Snowtroopers.

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Originally posted by Darth Windu

(1)Personally, i like the idea of random storms. The weather thing im not too worried about, but storms would be nice as a feature that affects battle, and should really be avoided, otherwise your enemy could tear you up.


(2)With the 'weather specific upgrade' thing, i dont think its a good idea. Instead, when playing on, for example, an ice planet, all empire infantry should appear as Snowtroopers.


1-Huh? Can you explain yourself more clearly please I don't think I get everything you are saying.


2- I already mentionned it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really like the idea of both day/night cycles and weather. They have been implemented to great effect and success in other games (eg. WC3 and Battle Realms), and would be great for GB 2.

I think that upgrades just for weather seem a little pointless, and weather should just have its effect, but upgrades for night/day (like the aforementioned infrared vision etc.) would be great.

Do we really have to worry so much about realism? We're playing a game set in a universe where people wield big glowing sticks and have telekinesis, giant fortresses can be built by a single small droid with no building materials in 2 min (and demolished by a small pummel not actually hitting the building with green beams), and so on and so forth.

Day/night cycles could have a great effect on strategy and realism. I say, bring in the day/night cycles! And the weather!

As for timing, we could run it that a minute is an hour (like in many other games), or some such. And the best thing is that on different worlds, the days are shorter or longer, and so on.

Weather could often be world specific- eg. blizzards on Hoth, lightning storms on Coruscant, meteor impacts in asteroid fields, windstorms on Geonosis, and so forth.

Day/night times would be fixed, but weather would be random (but based around day/night, probably).

This might lead to all 'random map' games being based on a SW location. This also sounds pretty good.


How can anything that adds strategy and surprise to the game be considered to detract from gameplay?

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er. I'm not sure what to make of that last comment.

Death stars would add strategy... in the kind of "argh argh argh, we're going to die, evacuate, argh argh argh" strategy.

They'd add suprise..... in the kind of "argh argh argh, we're all dead all of a sudden, argh argh argh" surprise.

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I was being sarcastic. I was trying to say that Death Stars wouldn't add strategy and surprise, and would totally screw up all gameplay.




Oh dear..... we were talking about the weather, weren't we?

That makes two threads where people are talking about the weather. Sad, isn't it.


Soo, who's up for GB2 weather and day/night cycles?

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In WC3, the whole day and night change (even though it is mostly just eye candy) is the most annoying thing in the game, after the low pop and subpar cinematics. Same goes with weather. ES took this feature out of AoM because play testers were very annoyed by it.


Death Star Strat:

Be the first to build it


Death Star Suprise:

When you think you are the first to build it, but aren't


I dont think I need to explain how Death Stars detract from gameplay

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Sith, your obvious hatred of WC3 and everything involved in it immediately discredits anything you say about it. But I'll discredit it again anyway.


* The day and night change wasn't just eye candy. It had a huge effect on one race (the Night Elves) and had varying effects on other races as well.

* Perhaps you found it annoying, but to many other people it increased realism and made the battlefield a lot more 'alive'.

* The low pop was for one reason: to make people fight with smaller armies. It achieved that. Thus, it is good. If you like small armies.

* Sup-par cinematics? You really must hate the game. Those cinematics are some of the best ever seen. GB's vague attempt at an opening cinematic doesn't even disturb the stratosphere above the very tip of the incredibly large iceberg of WC3's cinematic goodness.


Death Stars and other incredibly powerful weapons don't exactly work quite like the weather and day/night sequences.

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