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Promod 3.0 needs competition level CTF players


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Promod 3.0 is only a few work-hours away from release. Before that release, I want to have some of the clan CTF players go through several matches to wring out any balance issues I may have overlooked.


Some former members of clan DSBR have expressed interest in playing already, but I have yet to set either of the teams in stone. If you'd like to play some Promod 3.0 CTF before it is released, then reply here, then send me an email at arsartifex@msn.com


I will give precedence to large numbers of players from the same clan that are used to playing together. I don't want team cooperation to be a problem. I will also give precedence based on first-come, first-serve. I will be seeding a couple of my beta testers into each team (at least one player) to make sure that each side has someone who can answer questions as they arise, and provide that at least one experienced Promod 3.0 player is on each team.


The game will be 5 players per team, full force (Promod isn't made to be played with no force unless you're just saber duelling), on CTF_Bespin, CTF_yavin, and probably CTF_ns_streets (I want to see how this plays now that the jetpack is available).


Feel free to post any questions here.

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Originally posted by zerowingzero

At what time will the match be? I can probably be available for it, at least as a promod 3 reference.


You and Laz are going to be seeded on opposite teams, Z. Better get some practice, quick! Laz has been playing quite a bit against me lately, and he's beating me about 2-to-1.

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Originally posted by Toonces

I'm not part of a clan, but I'm a CTF addict. So if you need more testers just let me know. In open CTF games I'm usually the one coordinating the defensive team :)


I've got your email at home. I'll send you a message when I've got the time set up.

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Allright guys. For all sakes and purposes, Promod 3.0 is done! It's ready for the grand melee test which will help me determine any final balancing. I'm going to set it up for either tomorrow night or wed. night around 7pm EST (gmt-5) or so.


Everybody who wants in better email me at arsartifex@msn.com!


Even better, get msn messenger and use that email to list me in your contacts, and just message me.

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I'm going to be opening up an irc channel tonight in irc.enterthegame.com called #promod. Anyone wanting to join in the game is going to be expected to be in there or to message me directly via msn messenger.


If you want to play, then show up! I may not have enough clan players to fill out both teams for all the matches I want to play, so you may get a shot.


Hopefully, I'll be in the channel and available via msn messenger around 8:30pm EST (-5 gmt) tonight. I'll try to start the match around 9pm EST.

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Originally posted by zerowingzero

Maybe you should take Aoshi's suggestion and see if a whole clan is willing to participate from TWL, they would be more suited for ctf and at least would be more of a team.


The match is tonight?


Unfortunately, I'll have to wait until I get home to try and contact some people at teamwarfare.net. I'm not registered in their forums currently. If one of you wants to repost this thread's first post there, feel free. Just make sure to tell them that irc.enterthegame.com #promod is going to be the meetingplace. I'll try to be lurking in that channel sometime around 7-7:30pm EST.


I'm trying to arrange the match for tonight. If I don't get responses from DSBR or other clans in time, then I'll probably postpone until tomorrow night.


3 months of working on this release and now I'm the one waiting on other people. The torment!


Maybe I should sent jkii.net a news post about it. Hmm. We got anyone here who could expedite a news post? Toonces? Kurgan?

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Originally posted by Toonces

Alright, got your request in the news up on JKII.net. Shoot me an e-mail if you want me to change it any


What can I say man: you're the best! I expect I'll see you in the channel tonight? :D


Only thing I might change is making the "Here" link point to the first post in this thread. Pointing to your above post might be a tad confusing.

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I've been following this mod for quite some time and beating bots have gotten boring. I would love to join the ctf match you're hosting if the spots havent been filled already and especially trying out the new jetpack and experiment with builds.


Oh, and just one question, is the jetpack speed similar to scout, assault, or heavy armor?:p


EDIT: Doh! Looks like you already started, damn the homework!

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