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imps vs rebs


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  1. 1. well would you be interested

    • Down with the empire
    • no way mass battles suck
    • what are you talking about?

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Rogue Squadron was the un-official name of Red Squadron which was part of the assault on the first Death Star.


It had become official by the time of the Battle of Hoth.


So I guess Rogue Squadron is around, but not necessarly officially known as Rogue yet. ;)


This game starts shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Swediot. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Thew Rydur

aren't stormtroopers supposed to be elite troops too?


I think a lot of people a re confused by the fact that STs are supposed to be the elite troopers of the galaxy. First of all they are. You can't judge the STs because heroic characters mow them down like a weed whacker in a hay field. Remember, these are not ordinary people shooting at them. Secondly, if you notice in most of the battles, everyone runs from them. Remember Hoth? STs due to their sheer numbers can anhialate(sp?) most other troops. STs are highly trained, remember that according to WEG rules 2D is average and 3D is above average. STs had 3D-3D+2 in most combat skills. Doesn't sound impressive when your PC has 6D in Blaster and Dodge, but to normal Rebels with their 2D+1-3D stats, that's impressive. Just thought I would point that out. Wouldn't have been much of a movie if the STs had slaughtered the heroes in the first movie would it have?



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Maybe it will maybe it won't. They also haven't tested it with as many people as they will be getting either. I expect mass crowds. What's the interest up to, like 400,000 people now. That's not counting the people who just aren't actively waiting and will buy the game when it comes out.

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Originally posted by BlackDove

Can't we all just get along?


*ducks the incoming blaster shots that the rebs and imps are shooting at him*


hold still while i pluck your feathers:uzi2:



and by the way i never said it was supposed to be like 1000 people thing that would be more like waging a small war....... hey.... COOL

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Originally posted by irulual

Even so, are you doing the math on that? That's like 6,666 people per server. That is a lot of people! Imagine half of that decides to join in one battle! Can the server withstand that? I don't know, I'm pretty pessimistic about that.


I think that there are supposed to be limits on the amount of people allowed in a "battle zone" at one time. Still i guess there is the possibitly that the server wouldn't hold, but I doubt it.

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