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Hey all Y'all I'm Back

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well at least for thanksgiving. I really miss this place. just incase you were wondering I've been down at Jacob Lake, Arizona for the past few months. I meet a lot more foriegners there then I did here, but you really can't heave an indepth conversation with tourists. They have two questions how far is it to the Grand Canyon and where is the lake? not serious conversation starters.


So how is everybody and what is the news?

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To get back on topic: WELCOME BACK COOKIEMAN! ^_^

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yes I did visit the JK.net forums. I started out there and then as the forums combined into lucasforums my world expanded and I switched to GB because that was where all the action was.


Just to let the rest of you know the answers to those two common questions are 44 miles down that road there, and Jacob Lake well it's not really a lake, well not anymore atleast. you see it would be a pond by most peoples book. but to the people in the middle of a desert it is would be a lake. now to get to it. you drive a quarter mile down the that road towards the canyon and there is a little dirt road. turn down it. now follow that road for another half a mile. you will see a sign that says jacob lake and points to the left go that way. but before you go I should let you know that there isn't any water in it for two reasons. one it has been a really dry year and two about twenty years ago someone got the wonderful idea of making it deeper so that you can fit more water in it. And in atempting to make it deeper he broke the natural seal on the lake so now instead of retaining water it allows it to drain.


just to let you know I have had a few people ROTFL about my story

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