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how do u change color of the moon?


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Two things here.


1) If you want to change the color of the moon ON THE TEXTURE, then Insanesith has the right answer.


2) If you want to change the color that it emits, thats a whole nother bwol of fish. That involves going into the shader script for that skyshader and altering the color values. I dont know much more about it than that.

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ya i need to change the shader. here the script





lightcolor ( 1 1 1 )

qer_editorimage textures/duel_tattooine/tattooine_up.jpg

q3map_surfacelight 40

q3map_sun 227 45 0 60 0 40

surfaceparm sky

surfaceparm noimpact

surfaceparm nomarks


skyParms textures/duel_tattooine/tattooine 1024 -




i want a blueish white color, like when anakin went to the tuskin camp, can anyone help?

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hmmm, why do i recognize that shader? hmmm. could it be because i wrote it?


Thats my skybox witch i worked damn hard for to get just the way i wanted it. I would appriciate it if you atleast could have asked for my permission to use it. I worked as hell in Bryce to make it perfect and i dont think its cool when people just 'steal' it without saying anything to me first. :mad:

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found this:


// skyparms work like this:

// q3map_sun <red> <green> <blue> <intensity> <degrees> <elevation>

// color will be normalized, so it doesn't matter what range you use

// intensity falls off with angle but not distance 100 is a fairly bright sun

// degree of 0 = from the east, 90 = north, etc. altitude of 0 = sunrise/set, 90 = noon


...from skies.shader, so change this line from your script or copy my example:


q3map_sun red green blue 60 0 40


example for blue color:




lightcolor ( 1 1 1 )

qer_editorimage textures/duel_tattooine/tattooine_up.jpg

q3map_surfacelight 40

q3map_sun 128 188 255 60 0 40

surfaceparm sky

surfaceparm noimpact

surfaceparm nomarks


skyParms textures/duel_tattooine/tattooine 1024 -



example for white color:




lightcolor ( 1 1 1 )

qer_editorimage textures/duel_tattooine/tattooine_up.jpg

q3map_surfacelight 40

q3map_sun 255 255 255 60 0 40

surfaceparm sky

surfaceparm noimpact

surfaceparm nomarks


skyParms textures/duel_tattooine/tattooine 1024 -


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Buckman, you've got a popular skybox. :) if i did that and everyone wanted to use it, i'd be flattered.


BUT, seks, if he's not, then you're gonna have to pull the skybox. :( i had the same problem. if you only used it as a template for shader coding, then change the name from duel_tatooine so nobody's confused.

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