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Wraith gone ... again!!

Jan Gaarni

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Well, yet again it seems that Wraithy is suffering from bad connections, but this time it's at home. :(


He SMS'd me and told me to tell all you guys that he won't be able to come online for the next few days, possible even over the weekend.


That doesn't mean, however, that it is partytime around here though, so keep up the good behavior you all are showing around here. :D


Knowing ya all, I don't doubt you will for a second. :D

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LOL, well, I can't speak for the others, but I got to know Wraith back when I first came here, which is creeping up to a year back soon. :)


When I first came here, there was mostly just Wraith (Mod around here and long time poster), Com Raven (Mod over at the Knights of the Old Republic Boards and also longtime poster), MikeC (One of the admins over at Massassi.Net site), Juztyn (admin of these forums (SWG) and the another admin over at Massassi.Net, aswell as SWGalaxies.net (think MikeC's part of that site to, but can't remember for sure)) and a few others I can't remember their names of (sorry guys, my memory sucks :( ). Back then there wasn't many people that posted here, so there wasn't much discussions going on really. :D Ever since then, me and Wraith have been the 2 people that have been viewing and replying the most, often daily (from when I got here ofcourse, and Wraith far outpost me :D ), and eventually we started chatting over MSN to.


I had just given him my phonenumber a couple of weeks ago so he could use it incase he wanted to play WarCraft III and I was unable to be reached by conventional methods. And now that he can't connect to the internet at all, that worked out pretty well I think. :D


We're also hard at work on the Associates page (to be honest, HE's been the one hard at work, I've only provided the Rebel Faction info, soon to be Imperial Faction info and a few planets so far, and we are competing on making an interactive galactic map with most to all known planet locations in-game and out-of-game, but since my Flash knowledge is very limited, he'll prolly beat me there. :D )


Other than that I only have a few others from here. Mostly because I only have MSN. But I got problems with sending stuff over MSN because of my Router, so i might get ICQ again. ;)

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

LOL, well, I can't speak for the others, but I got to know Wraith back when I first came here, which is creeping up to a year back soon. :)


When I first came here, there was mostly just Wraith (Mod around here and long time poster), Com Raven (Mod over at the Knights of the Old Republic Boards and also longtime poster), MikeC (One of the admins over at Massassi.Net site), Juztyn (admin of these forums (SWG) and the another admin over at Massassi.Net, aswell as SWGalaxies.net (think MikeC's part of that site to, but can't remember for sure)) and a few others I can't remember their names of (sorry guys, my memory sucks :( ). Back then there wasn't many people that posted here, so there wasn't much discussions going on really. :D Ever since then, me and Wraith have been the 2 people that have been viewing and replying the most, often daily (from when I got here ofcourse, and Wraith far outpost me :D ), and eventually we started chatting over MSN to.


I had just given him my phonenumber a couple of weeks ago so he could use it incase he wanted to play WarCraft III and I was unable to be reached by conventional methods. And now that he can't connect to the internet at all, that worked out pretty well I think. :D


We're also hard at work on the Associates page (to be honest, HE's been the one hard at work, I've only provided the Rebel Faction info, soon to be Imperial Faction info and a few planets so far, and we are competing on making an interactive galactic map with most to all known planet locations in-game and out-of-game, but since my Flash knowledge is very limited, he'll prolly beat me there. :D )


Other than that I only have a few others from here. Mostly because I only have MSN. But I got problems with sending stuff over MSN because of my Router, so i might get ICQ again. ;)



Cool, maybe you guys could like, get married one day or something. Internet relationships always work out, you know...It's kinda like ordering a vietnamese mail-order bride.

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