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playing from europe


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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Exactly, Swediot. :D


But you need alittle german knowledge to, to decode it. :D


Nah, you can't decode it completly just by knowing those 3 languages, but you can get the general jist about what it says. :)



The release will as far as I understand only be in stores over in the U.S., but don't wuote me on that. :)

However, you will be able to order one thru the internet and play, that much I do know. ;)


well yeh but i took german for 4 years in school so that helped a litle as well

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Originally posted by Murashu

<pulls out his secret book labeled "Dutch Interpreter for the Silly Americans">


go ahead, im ready for you now muhahahahaha

i would love you tanslate this then:


Jullie rare amerikanen weten echt niks over Nederlanders. Jullie denken dat het allemaal duits is :D

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