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how about upcoming superstars.




Darius Miles




LeBron James

hes only a high schooler and everybody compares him to the likes of Kobe and even Jordan.


i seen this kid play, he got talent. i think he'll get top pick in next year's draft (guarantee).


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Carter - arrogant, who hated it when they came to Australia for a pre-Olympic game v Australia and Shane Heal took offence when TWICE Vince gave him a headlock when he fouled him. Haven't liked him ever since, he was prepared to give a guy a headlock on the court, but got up and wondered why this white guy was angry with him.

Remember Shane Heal also took offence to the King Of Trash Talk Charles Barkley trying to intimidate him before the 96 Olmypics too.


Jordan - took the NBA to a new level, as much as Magic and Larry did their bit, MJ was the man that took the NBA to the world.


As for an NBA team, not really interested in it at the moment. Was the Bulls when MJ was there, and follow the Wizards a little, just to keep an eye on him.


I am more concerned with the NBL here in Australia and the Melbourne Tigers......


(We finally lost our throne as the best basketball nation when we didn't qualify for the last World Championships - at that stage we were the only nation to have our teams - Senior and underage in the top 4 in the world - So us white chumps CAN play!! )

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Originally posted by Darth Yoda85

T Wolves! Cuz if the Heat are doing as bad as they are and they beat the Lakers....you do the math!:D



once in a while good teams have off days and loose to the Miami Heats.




Whta's up with ZO.


the Heats needs him badly.



but i give them mad props for beating LA

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Well, my fav team is the Suns!

A second pick would be the Magic!


Go Penny, Go!! Well, hes prolly injured or retired! I've been a fan of his since I started getting into Basket!!


Hmm, I think boston is gonna win that one..!


BTW, I havent been following the league the last 2 years or so!!



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