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Gir almost done!

Hellfire Jedi

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pk3 help eh?


Pakscape...I use that so let's see if I can help you out. You start a new pk3 file. Create these folders: botfiles, models, scripts, shaders, and sound. Under models make a folder called players. Under sound make a folder called chars. Under chars make a folder callder Gir. Even easier would be to open up a downloaded modle pk3, save it as a different name relating to your model and just empty the contets of all the folders.


In the players folder you need folder called something like Gir. Place the following files in the Gir folder: model.glm, model_default.skin, sounds.cfg, all skin textures, and the icon file. You should follow the same steps for ctf red and blue making folders gir_red and gir_blue putting the model.glm and textures in their respective folders with a respective skin file (model_blue.skin or model_red.skin) and the respective icons. For any additional skin variants a different folder will need to be created; for example, if I made a skin for gir, call the folder psynex_gir.


As far as sounds go, just plop them all in the /sound/chars/Gir folder.


Get the picture? <--I'm not the best at explaining things.

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Ok, scaling is in a textfile in the "mod" folder. What do I mean by that? I use(d) jedimod and in the jedimod folder is a file called tckmodel.cfg. There is a list of characters names in quotes followed by 2 numbers. The first number is height, but I'm not sure what the second number is because I never messed with it. I only had to rescale a yoda model so I just copied and renamed. So you would add something like this:


"Gir" 0.4 0


On a side note, since there are probably other mods that use scaling, you should just put what the scale needs to be in the mod of users choice and leave it up to them to edit their scale file. I had to do it for the yoda model. I'm unsure of anyone including a scale file in their pk3.


PS - I need to know the minute this model is ready because I want it!

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all you have to do is put this line in the tckmodels file


"Gir" 0.4 0.62




"Gir" 0.3 0.62


thats it... not much to it, i just learned that yesterday:)


i sent off Gir to jediknightii.net yesterday, and i have in the readme how to scale him in jedimod


Also, Duncan_10158 i sent you a PM

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Ok I have two questions.


1.I can't find a readme on how to scale in the file download thing so how do I set it up for him to be his normal size in jedimod


2.The multiple taunts are cool but is there a way to bind differnt keys to differnt taunts.

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Can't wait for Zim now. 2 Suggestions, more polys in the knees and maybe also the elbows (didn't look at the elbows). He's a pretty low-poly character (should be anyway) and adding more polys to the knees for better deformation would only help him. Second suggestion, shader work. Some cartoon lighting (aka-two tone lighting) and glowing eyes would look cool.


Hmmm....I don't have work tonight because of weather...maybe I'll play around with the shader.

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