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Multiple stealth levels may be okay, but I'd rather a more simplistic version- merely that *Cloaked Unit A* can only be detected by *Detector units 1, 2 and 3*.

Which generally turns out a lot easier than *All units of Cloak Level 1* can be detected by *Detector Level 1 units*, seeing as players will end up like this:

"Argh! Argh! Snipers! Argh! Okay.... let's bring out my ground scout. All right, the snipers are detected. Let's kill them..... Argh! Argh! I'm being killed by cloaked jedi! Hmm.... what cloak level are they? Um... let's see... *dies*"

While my version would be like this:

"Oh, snipers. Well, my land scout can detect them, and I'll send out my fighters to kill them. Oh dear, a Jedi... well, my Sweeper Detector unit can detect them, so we'll send that out, as well as some anti-Jedi units. Oh, how lovely."


Of course there will be plenty of stealth units in GB2. Thus, making the basic space superiority fighter a detector is greatly overpowering it. On the other hand, there could be an airborne scout with detecting capabilities. Or some such.


I'm not sure that fighters should be an effective counter for snipers. They'd just be all right against all kinds of ground infantry-ish units (like the current troopers) and would thus be able to kill snipers. But I'm thinking that if you really needed to repel snipers, they could be classed as 'infantry,' and thus anti-infantry mechs would be wonderful against them.


Crazy_dog: What exactly were you talking to me about?


Pbguy, Sith: My idea of a sniper's use is what I said before- as an irritant around your base, and to ambush troopers.

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Are you saying that Jedi blocking doesn't make sense? I'm confused... :confused:


Luke's dad: Hopefully there will be plenty of stealth units, but none of them will be quite like the Dark Templar. Simply considering my version of the sniper-

*You can't get a whole bunch of them (10 max)

*They're only good against troopers (useless against buildings)

*They're not available early

So basically, I don't think anyone's planning anything quite like the Dark Templar.

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Good I'm not an american...But I like math a bit...


Someone said that it doesn't make sense to make Jedi strong vs snipers because they don't have a lot of armor and so and so....


I said that.


Giving an ability to be able to only build ten seems to complicated for on ly one unit. You'd have to raise the cost of it...and the build time of course...

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Why limit them? That wont solve anything, and i can think of many units more powerful than the sniper.


As i said in my last post, the snipers stats should be-

1. Trooper speed

2. Excellent vs all non-jedi infantry, low vs jedi

3. No effect on ships, mechs, heavy weapons

4. Cloaked when not moving or firing

5. Long reload time

6. Little/No armour

7. Long range and LOS

8. Fairly long build time, expensive

9. Non-detector

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Where did you get the idea the sniper would be available early on?

It won't be. You can't do sniper rushes, and they wouldn't be very effective anyway. "Oh, yay, I killed all their troopers. But I can't kill any of their buildings. So I'll just run away... Oh dear, they've built a mech, my snipers are dead."

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Sithmaster - the reason i suggested stealth while non-moving was an attempt to find a balance between those who wanted stealth and those who didnt.


Simwiz - i disagree. The two have totally different combat applications. While the strike mech is more for large scale battles, the sniper is more like the Jedi Starfighter - nuisance raids and small scale attacks. Also, remember that if there is a SW:GB2 there might not be a strike mech.

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