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Enter the Matrix


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Everyone should pick up the latest Game Informer in order to be informed about "Enter the Matrix"!!! It apparently ties into the second movie ("The Matrix Reloaded") but does not overlap with it. You can control one of two minor characters from the movie. It's gonna be sweet!!! It is due to be released on the same day as the next movie. Everyone check out Game Informer in the mean time.

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*Two LA employees who, most likely, were chronically stoned at the time*


"Hey, let's make a SW rts!"

"Well, ok. But we need an engine."

*looks at desk* "How about we use this one?"

"Dude, that's an fps engine. How are going to possibly make a rts with it?"

"That sounds like a bet to me. Tell ya what, if we can't pull it off, I owe you a coke."

"deal! .... whoah... my hand... it's like... melting!"

"I know what ya mean, man. I know what ya mean."





He owed him a coke.

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Padanime, pretty good site, i like the music, but you really need a preloader. They are easy to do, i think the swish website has a tutorial on how to make one, you should check it out.



Anyways, about the game. Why bother making a game for the minor characters? It looks like this is simply another attempt to cash in on the name...


of course, i guess you could say that about almost all SW games too....

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