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Newbie question, but...............


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i suggest you use the edit button intead of making 2 post.



as for the animated av it's really quite easy, first you need a good gif making program, like movie gear (http://www.moviegear.com it's a 30 day trial). you play with quicktime and when you see a scene you like, pause it, press ctrl+c and then paste it into paint or whatever you use. then go back to the trailer and advance frame by frame, and paste each of them into paint, make sure you crop them all the same size. then load them into your gif making program, resize it and save as gif. if you need to reduce the size then you can reduce the number of colors, see if there are any frames that you can delete without effecting the animation and also most gif making programs have an optimize option that will reduce the size also.

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You can have moving avatars, the same way as stationary ones, just that stationary are .jpgs, while moving avatars are .gifs. If you have paint shop, you'll also have animations studio, which can be used to create .gifs.


Some people also use a program called Irfanview to make theirs, or at least I think so. Here's the link to the website for Irfanview. I've personally never used it before, so don't blame me if it doesn't work exactly as you think it should :D


Irfanview link


Or you could just get moviegear like skitzo up there said;)

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