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Is It Safe To Come To These Forums

Wavey Davey

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Hi i'm new to the star wars galaxies forums, i have posted on the jedi knight 2 boards but not these yet. I have read posts for about a month though.


Anyway now to my question, it is not as strange as u might seem. Basically for EP2 i was spoiled a lot and realised how much it ruined the film for me on the 1st showing.


So for EP3 i am avoiding ALL spoilers including official and i'm even going to try and not watch the trailers (although i don't think i'll manage that), so basically i'm asking is it safe to visit the forums without being spoilt, i'm not going to theforce.net as that is far too risky.


P.S. Attack of the Clones is the best film of the lot and i have now watched it about 20 times.


EDIT: Typos

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Welcome to the boards!!! :)


I'm Jan Gaarni, one of the Welcomming Committee.


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will enjoy your stay.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn. :p


Also be sure to check out the SWGalaxies.Net site which is connected to these boards. :)


As to the spoilers, there can never be any guarantees for that, but we do have a fancy vB Spoiler code which can be used. :)

Just place your spoiler in between this code, minus the * :

[*spoiler]<place your spoiler here!>



This is how it will look like:


Neat, don't you think? :D


In order to read the spoiler just mark the text inside the white bar. :)


Another way to do this is to simply click the spoiler button which you will find at the top of where you write in your reply, along with the other code buttons. :D

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I'm from good ol' sunny england. :)


Barnsley in Yorkshire to be precise, just in case anybody lives in England.


Anyway i have a spoiler about EP3 (jk)



Anakin Turns into Darth Vader



Just in case nobody dares highlight it, it's only spoiler to anyone who hasn't seen the original trilogy, which i guess is no one here.


Anyway yet again it's 10:50 and i'm working tomorrow at that crazy shop they call Marks And Spencer, so best go to bed.

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Originally posted by Luey Fubar




uhmm... please dont post that pic again.... it realy scares people off..... if you dont believe me.. go to the XWA forums... the eat noobs for dinner.... so dont... please :)

Originally posted by Sim Fubar

Thats West Yorkshire luey :p


and yes lol its safe on these forums ^^ but the mods are crazy about gnorts

so? they are good... they arent some evil sadistic kind of way to enforce power or anything.. they are just a welcome gift.;)
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wow my post is still on the first page :)


Don't worry u won't scare me off, not a star wars website anyway.


I've finally finished my 45 hour week at work so i'm absolutely knackered.


like the smilies :atat::fett: although i think u should get a yoda one, as he is the coolest character eva.

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