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Yeah! It hasn't gone by the name 'Light Saver' since, oh before you were born...



I was 10 years old when Star Wars was first released, and that's what we called it too. Also, Dark Vader! Later on we were set straight, and we never looked back!


You through your light saBer by using the alternate 'fire' button. You cannot through it if you don't have enough Force power or points allocated to Saber throw, however. You didn't mention if this was in Single Player, or Multi Player. If it's Single Player, you'll just have to wait until you get a little further along. Multi, no waiting, just assign some Force points when you 'Configure your Force Powers.


Hope that was simple enough to understand -I don't know how new you are to this...


To be fair, 'V' and 'B' are right next to each other on the keyboard...

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Heh *slightly off topic* When I was in line for AOTC premier with my Hasbro lightsaBer a theater usher said, "Sorry we dont allow life savers in the theater."...:dozey:...the shear ignorance is sickening. They had no idea just how ludicrous what they said was. I was just like...:dozey:...right at them. :disaprove Im sure you guys have experienced the same thing on occasions.

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