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Chrash Luran

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Originally posted by Chrash Luran

lol, good one!!!


I dont think we'll be using the Stormtrooper Armor since thats the sign of the Empire.... We need to come up with something new....!!!


what do you meen dont you want to have the sign of the empire ??? i mean your clan name is the imperial order .... imperial .... empire... empire ... imperial ..

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what do you meen dont you want to have the sign of the empire ??? i mean your clan name is the imperial order .... imperial .... empire... empire ... imperial ..


My thoughts exactly...


Then again, maybe they are going for one of those "cool contradictions" like band names. Jumbo Shrimp, High-Fat Diet, Stinky Shower....maybe they mean "Keeping the Imperials in order by kicking them..." but no, that would be just stupid....


I'm gonna start a PA now....we will be the "Tall Powerful Strong Smart Ewoks"....and maybe a sub group called "SuperModels the Hutt"....and all you newbies can join my PA called "Everyone's a Jedi!" ;)



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I have been to your site before. And its one of the best made SW Sites I know of. But I'm gonna be nuetral for while learn a ton of trades own some property and stuff and more stuff. You know get my fiances in order.I want to see alot of worlds before I commit. I really want to be a Bounty Hunter maybe take a few jobs for the Hutts or Black Sun (if there is one) before I join. But if I were to join (when I get the game) any Spaces open in the Sandtrooper department? (If there is one)


P.S. When does the game come out anyways?



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i was looking over ur site and i saw somehing on the main page wich could cost u alot .... blood angels with those banners look alot the like the banners of the blood angels in war hammer 40k...

And that could be looked as abusing the copyright law...


just thought i share this wif u.....

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