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Why do jedi attack at close range?


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Oooh, let's all say what our favourite fighters are. A-Wings and Jedi Starfighters all the way!


On reflection, I don't think the missile boat will fit in the real game, but it'd be great to have in the scenario editor and as a special unit in campaigns (like you suggested).

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Although if they ever redo something about the battle of Yavin, it's the death star's surface and just that. the rest is great.


it would be great if we had the chance to test out a real star wars flight sim. like being in somekind of cockpit and all with all the controls you really have in an X-Wing for example.

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Yeah! But they better have the dodgy 70's arcade game graphics on the console or it just wouldn't be right.


I think the Death Star surface looks fine. I wouldn't change a bit of the battle, at least from the Special Edition one. They only touched up things here and there in the SE battle, and now it looks spectacular. They did do a new CGI "flying to the battle" bit, but it works well.

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I think a SW flight sim would be really cool. You could actually have a mock-up X-Wing (the front half), and you could climb in, and use all the controls... and you could make them fiendishly difficult to comprehend so that little kids won't think it's a Bob the Builder toy or something and try to use it. :)

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My god, this is like the 5th thread that I've seen you guys argue for 3 pages.


I would actually try to answer the original question, but as Crazy said the topic has been changed. . . so. . .


Yes a Star Wars Flight Sim would be cool. I think a real Simulator as in the comics would be awesome.

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$50 for a credit seems pretty dumb. Imagine this:

"Oh my god! A real Star Wars X-Wing simulator! Oooh... aah... $50? Oh, well, it seems worth it.. all the controls are in their real places... ooh! A control stick! Okay, let's turn it on... ooh.... okay, I'm in a hangar. Hmm.... I have to get out of the hangar. What are the controls? Hmm, let's try this one... oops, that was the droid eject. Ah, who needs an R2! Okay, let's try getting out of the hangar."


*simulator vibrates*

"Okay, that was the reverse throttle. Okay... whoohoo! I'm out of the hangar! Okay, let's turn around.."

*snap-turns the X-Wing*

*pilot blacks out*

.... I should've dialed the inertial compensator up....

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