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Has JK2 gone mad?


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I've played Jedi knight 2 ever since it come out. During those earlier days, my friends and I agreed that this was a kick ass game, one that had the potential to be bigger than counter strike. This game had it all, the guns, the force, and the sabers. While many ppl complained that DFA was to cheap and too overpowered, i thought it was fine. Then version 3 came out and made it even worse. It turned such an open game into two moves, pull and backstab. Shortly after, i stop playing.


But now i just started again hoping the version 4 will give jk2 a different meaning. I've noticed the increased amount the mods that the server was running and it interesting. But now i see a bunch of rule that other things. No attacking ppl w/ sabers off, no chat killing. Don't get me wrong, i am all for these rules but then it transform in to something else. In a FFA saber only server hosting 15 ppl, i see 5 ppl w/ their sabers on fighting, and everyone else w/ their saber off sitting, standing, kissing (EEEWWW!!), and jumping on each other. While on the other hand, there are ppl that run around thing their saber off griping and lighting other player. And when i killed one of them, the guy curse out my family.


wait i am not done bitchin....


In one CTF server, there was one guy on the opposite them that is somehow "all powerful", and ran around with unlimited grip and absorb on killing all the flag cappers (including me).


Think of the effect this has on new players, as soon as they start playing multiplayer they get called a lamer and kicked or get chopped up by these "uber"guys. How do you expect ppl to want to continue. The game itself is hard enough without these things.


What do you ppl think?

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In a sense, I agree with what you are saying. That's one reason I only stick to duels nowadays. I think it's a matter of finding a good server. Unfortunately, you're probably right in that newer players probably won't be willing to find a server that suits them if all they see when they start playing is that.

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Originally posted by snowpuppy

No attacking ppl w/ sabers off, no chat killing. Don't get me wrong, i am all for these rules but then it transform in to something else. In a FFA saber only server hosting 15 ppl, i see 5 ppl w/ their sabers on fighting, and everyone else w/ their saber off sitting, standing, kissing (EEEWWW!!), and jumping on each other. While on the other hand, there are ppl that run around thing their saber off griping and lighting other player. And when i killed one of them, the guy curse out my family.

In one CTF server, there was one guy on the opposite them that is somehow "all powerful", and ran around with unlimited grip and absorb on killing all the flag cappers (including me).


Think of the effect this has on new players, as soon as they start playing multiplayer they get called a lamer and kicked or get chopped up by these "uber"guys. How do you expect ppl to want to continue. The game itself is hard enough without these things.


I was about to start a new thread about this but you beat me to it :)


You are absolutely right. The state of servers nowadays (didn't play for months, just installed JO back last week) is not very good.


Your complaints are directed at Vulcanus admin modded (clan-)servers, I assume. If not, mine are.


Here's the deal:


You search for a server just to find that they're all empty except for a few which are packed with people (~14/16). Most of these servers run the 1.02-patch. Still there's usually some server that you're able to join just to see that:


No-one has their saber up. NO-ONE! All players are just walking around doing nothing. At some point two guys start dueling, which seems to be the only situation when you're allowed to light up your saber.

Often these people don't even accept duels, so you end up spectating a 30min duel between two guys who have their chatboxes up. Great fun. :rolleyes:


At some point, thank god, "teh n00b" logs on and starts attacking people. I bunnyhop-rage-speed towards this guy hoping to get a chance to fight, but "the all-powerful admin" has already gripped him to death and does the same to me. (kinda hard to fight back since force is disabled.)


I manage to find "teh n00b" again and for a while it feels like I'm actually PLAYING A GAME, not only wasting my time in a virtual enviroment. The admin, naturally, lightning-spams/grips people to death randomly. (I guess he is entitled to his fun. Perhaps he got bored of simply *standing* for 3 hours with his saber turned off.)


Finally I did a No-No. :( I sneaked behind the admin, KICKED HIM and ran like hell, around the corner, up the stairs, down the hatch, up the wall, across the roof. :D .......... he put me to sleep. Flamed me and slammed the rules in my face.


It felt like I was 5 again, playing with Masters Of The Universe Dolls with boys bigger than me.


--> Will you obey the rules!? You won't get your Skeletor back if you don't say "YesMasterIobeytherulesI'msosorryIwon'tdoiteveragain" ten times in a row! Say it! Say it NOW!!


So there I am lying on the ground, seeing the All Powerful Admin standing next to my helpless body, and I'm thinking:


"Oh my...this boy must be half my age. I bet this is his first taste of REAL POWER. My life is in his hands. I *must* obey his every whim or he will grip me, lightning me, put me to sleep and kick me from the server! Oh, this is so much fun. Should I be humble and admit that my kick-and-run was not funny at all? Should I respect his authority so that I can get back to walking around with my saber down untill He decides that it is 'grip-time' again?"


I got kicked :D


Anyways: What the hell is wrong with servers? Are people so uttelty bored with the game that all JO is used for is a virtual chat room or a Ego-boost? That is just sad.


Are there any servers out there where people actually PLAY THE GAME? :mad:

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"respect my authoritah!"


nice post solar. Yes nowadays enjoying a good JKII game only boils down to finding a good server. It is very hard to find servers that fit what you are looking for. Most of the time, like you said, people will just be on hand-holding-servers. stand around jump up, spin, sit, etc. It is a bad idea to log on to these servers since I will loose patience and end up being hated.


But thank god servers like that exist, bc I prefer people that like to play that way hang out on servers dedicated to that, rather than join in on a running FFA server and start bitching and moaning and complaining, calling votes non stop. Promod thank god seems to have a LOT less of these poeple. I did happen to run into a few but they are rare and far between. Last night before you logged on you missed a nice fella complaining how yellow is too strong in promod. I was about to split sideways laughing as it reminded me of the moaning that brought us 1.03 and 4. But the best thhing was that nobody bothered to reply, or actually read his rants, we were too busy having a fun time. :D

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Originally posted by Luc Solar


I was about to start a new thread about this but you beat me to it :)


You are absolutely right. The state of servers nowadays (didn't play for months, just installed JO back last week) is not very good.


Your complaints are directed at Vulcanus admin modded (clan-)servers, I assume. If not, mine are.


Here's the deal:


You search for a server just to find that they're all empty except for a few which are packed with people (~14/16). Most of these servers run the 1.02-patch. Still there's usually some server that you're able to join just to see that:


No-one has their saber up. NO-ONE! All players are just walking around doing nothing. At some point two guys start dueling, which seems to be the only situation when you're allowed to light up your saber.

Often these people don't even accept duels, so you end up spectating a 30min duel between two guys who have their chatboxes up. Great fun. :rolleyes:


At some point, thank god, "teh n00b" logs on and starts attacking people. I bunnyhop-rage-speed towards this guy hoping to get a chance to fight, but "the all-powerful admin" has already gripped him to death and does the same to me. (kinda hard to fight back since force is disabled.)


I manage to find "teh n00b" again and for a while it feels like I'm actually PLAYING A GAME, not only wasting my time in a virtual enviroment. The admin, naturally, lightning-spams/grips people to death randomly. (I guess he is entitled to his fun. Perhaps he got bored of simply *standing* for 3 hours with his saber turned off.)


Finally I did a No-No. :( I sneaked behind the admin, KICKED HIM and ran like hell, around the corner, up the stairs, down the hatch, up the wall, across the roof. :D .......... he put me to sleep. Flamed me and slammed the rules in my face.


It felt like I was 5 again, playing with Masters Of The Universe Dolls with boys bigger than me.


--> Will you obey the rules!? You won't get your Skeletor back if you don't say "YesMasterIobeytherulesI'msosorryIwon'tdoiteveragain" ten times in a row! Say it! Say it NOW!!


So there I am lying on the ground, seeing the All Powerful Admin standing next to my helpless body, and I'm thinking:


"Oh my...this boy must be half my age. I bet this is his first taste of REAL POWER. My life is in his hands. I *must* obey his every whim or he will grip me, lightning me, put me to sleep and kick me from the server! Oh, this is so much fun. Should I be humble and admit that my kick-and-run was not funny at all? Should I respect his authority so that I can get back to walking around with my saber down untill He decides that it is 'grip-time' again?"


I got kicked :D


Anyways: What the hell is wrong with servers? Are people so uttelty bored with the game that all JO is used for is a virtual chat room or a Ego-boost? That is just sad.


Are there any servers out there where people actually PLAY THE GAME? :mad:


How old can that guy been? 5? that was the most stupid, pathetic, idiotic, lame, imature, boring etc. thing I´ve ever heard of.

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Originally posted by ksk h2o

Last night before you logged on you missed a nice fella complaining how yellow is too strong in promod. I was about to split sideways laughing as it reminded me of the moaning that brought us 1.03 and 4. But the best thhing was that nobody bothered to reply, or actually read his rants, we were too busy having a fun time. :D


I logged on? We were on the same server? Cool...I guess. :)


I'd been whacking people all day with 1.04 butter knives and when I finally see a Promod-server with some people on, I have to quit playing. I was on for what, 10 minutes? Just long enough to realize that 1.04-stuff gets youself killed very quickly.

LOL...For some reason I can't stop trying to kick people...in Promod that's not really such a good idea. :D But the speed+red swings seemed to work pretty well, just as people on ArtifeX's server have pointed out. Can't wait to try out new stuff.


What server was that again? I forgot.


Btw - who was this fellow complaining? Cant' remember who was on. And who were you?


Hmm.. just in case: Damn you for kicking the crap outta me! :swear:;)

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hehe, I think he left before you came, I'd rather not point fingers and name him. I'm sure you'll end up running into him either on artifex' server or the jolt.co.uk servers (or some gamesdomain, cant remember). Another time he was complaining that people ganged up on him to kill him.... in TEAM FFA :animelol: he's quite a laugh.


I go by <><> online, and played with you for a short while on the same server yesterday, recognised you from the boards :)

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i feel u Luc Solar. When i first stopped playing it was bcuz of the game, i am probably going to stop again bcuz of the ppl. You all say that it boils down to finding a good server, but hey, who wants to spend the time logging on and off just to find some sane players who actually PLAY THE GAME. I don't have to put up w/ this **** when i CS. I go in a server and HAVE FUN. Seriously, The jk2 community needs a wake up all.

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"The JK2 community" as you put it, is no community at all. With all of the patch debacles, what you have are two larger diametrically opposed camps. I had no idea that people were doing this RPG server type stuff, and I can see how that'd get REALLY old to people who are more interested in actually fighting or playing. I think a lot of the folks on the RPG servers are just biding their time until SW: Galaxies comes out. Then, they'll all go over to there and the JK2 community will dwindle again.


Fundamentally, despite good intentions, fantastic source material, and great graphics, Raven just never really got this one right. Single player was fun, but you can only play through the campaign so many times before it gets old. Multiplayer never had the balance that everyone wanted in some form or other (DFA was too strong, blocking was too weak, then it was too strong, and DFA was fixed but you had the backstab, then EVERYTHING was nerfed and you had WAY too much blocking, and don't even get into the force powers). Some of Raven's fixes were great and should've been implemented from the get-go (IE: absorb not having the constant blue glow about it), but a lot of 'em just pissed people off more. I think JK2 will always be (for me at least) the game that could have been but wasn't.


This game COULD have been a fantastic multiplayer action experience, but it just wasn't gonna happen when the game shipped with bugs, design flaws, and boring modes of play, and then was patched to fix old problems and create new, worse problems. >sigh< Yet another ultimately disappointing Star Wars game.

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