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how easy is it to skin>


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You like my tutorial, huh?




If you need anything in that tutorial clarified, there are links to the thread where I first posted it linked at the end of each section.


It was written for the absolute beginner, and "holds your hand" right the way through...

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I read that tutorial and it helped me the most out of the numerous tutorials I've read. Layering certainly makes a world of difference, however, I am unclear as to the 'ramp up and ramp down' parts of paint shop pro. Any added explanation would be appreciated greatly. Thank-you for your time. :)

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I've never used the ramp up / down features in PSP, to be honest.


What it does though, is allows a layer's transparency to not be uniform over the whole layer, but to depend on certain values - ie colour or brightness.


Say you had an image of a sleeve, and also a red-green checkerboard image on a new layer above it, you can use ramping to make just the green component of the top layer transparent, while leaving the red parts opaque.


Or you can set the green transparency level to a different see-throughness ;) value to the red.


ie - you're ramping up (or down) the transparency of certain pixels depending on different parameters (colour / brightness etc...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

From this tutorial; http://www.jediknightii.net/edit_mpskins.shtml



Extract the _humanoid.gla and animation.cfg following the same instructions as above (extract into the GameData/base folder and the files should appear in the directory: GameData/base/models/players/_humanoid - remember to have “use folder names” checked when you extract).



Do you have a GameData/base/models/players/_humanoid directory? If so, what's inside it?






If that doesn't work, there are a few other things to try.


Maybe you haven't properly extracted the assets from the assets0.pk3 file.


Either you didn't extract all the files, or didn't re-create the directory structure properly.


Oh, if I recall correctly there is an issue with the path length of the filenames in certain circumstances. If the first sugestion didn't work, let me know, and we can try a few other things.

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What files are in your \_humanoid\ subdirectory?


Also, what is the full path of your \models\players\ subdirectory?




C:\Program Files\Lucasarts\Jedi Knight ii Jedi Outcast\base\models\players\


Something like that?

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Hmm. All looks to be in order.


You've got me beat.


What's your exact error message Modview is giving you? It happens on ALL the models you're trying to examine right?



// confused //


EDIT: I'm away from my home PC at the moment, but I'm wondering if there shouldn't be a further \models\ subdir in there somewhere. But even still, I dunno who Modview would be so picky about the directory structure...??

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