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*crackle* Signing off

Flying Beastie

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Probably should've taken care of this earlier, but:


A few days ago, I went back to mom's house for Christmas. "Home," to deal with the highly annoying Old People who seem to be my only relatives. :bored: The standard tech level around here is stuck in the early '70s, as usual, so don't expect to hear from me any time soon.


I'm taking a sabbatical from now 'til early January (as early as possible, so I'll have time to do all the things I wanted to do during Christmas break).


I may or may not have seen The Two Towers by the time I get back (it is playing here, but I may decide to wait until I'm somewhere where I can get to a movie without having to get mom to drive me around).


Mom's modem will probably be fried by the effort of posting this, so, I heartily wish you all a happy Christmas/Chanukka/Kwanzaa/Solstice/Gurenthar's Ascension.



*hits "post"*



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Originally posted by Commander 598

Merry ****ing Christmas!

*Slams Door*


*door smashes the glasses off my face*


you broke my freaking glasses you stupid idiot!!!


*puts on christmas scoul that everybody wears when trying to find a parking space at the mall*

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie

happy Christmas/Chanukka/Kwanzaa/Solstice/Gurenthar's Ascension.


This list lacks something....hrm


I proclaim December 27th to be "Melkor Day." You celebrate by dressing up as a Balrog (wings a must) and hitting things with a whip. I may have just created the first evil holiday...

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