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It's great being Nintendo


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If any of you have been keeping up with Nintendo news you will have heard of the great 2003 line up. Capcoms exclusive 5 (Killer 7, Viewtiful Joe, Dead Pheonix, Product No. 03 and Res 4), Zelda, Metroid Prime, and the GB Player. Its all to good to be true.


Any news (or rumours) on these or others would be great, Ive got some gloting to do.

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Technically, Metroid Prime was part of this year's line up, but there is indeed some good stuff coming up.


Of Capcom's upcoming GCN titles, Viewtiful Joe and Killer 7 in particular are looking great.


And of course, Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is the best looking game I've ever seen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

C Shutt is damn right, Wind Waker looks absolutely incredible.


Just FYI, it's "Cel-Shaded" as in the game "Cel Damage" and "Animation Cel". It is not "Cell-Shaded", which makes it sound like a filter that makes the game look like Oz, and by Oz I mean the ass-raping prison show on HBO, not the retarded pseudonym for Austrailia.

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Well....i have been playing metroid prime (very fun game :D ) and so far i like what i see... retro studios did a very good job. gosh......at this rate, games will be so life like you wont be able to tell the difference bettween virtual and actualreality:eek:

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mmmmmmmmmmmmm....fish....well.....It is most biutifull indeed. It leaves its classic sidescroller type gameplay but it gains a new 1st persony type (Obviusly). The playing style is alot like Zelda 64 in that you salve puzzles and other stuff like that. Took me a half hour or so to get use to but when i did, it started to get really fun :D ....argh...well....i dont want to spoil anything so ill leave it at that.....for now....i guess...

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