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Crazy_dog no.3

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Yes, they are right, only one person can be telling the truth. Why? Because if one person is, then the others can't because they are all liars according to the person who is telling the truth, so they must all be liars, except him.


Alternately, it could never be two or more people telling the truth, because if two were true, then the statement "all of you are liars" who not be true and all of them would be liars.

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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

If there are 10 people in 1 room, and each of them says: "all of u are liars", how many are lying and how many are telling the truth? Not all of them are liars...;)


If two tell the truth then they are all lieing because those two technicly lie when they say everyone is lieing when the other is not really...so they are really all liers and are all telling the truth:p

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Originally posted by darthfergie


If two tell the truth then they are all lieing because those two technicly lie when they say everyone is lieing when the other is not really...so they are really all liers and are all telling the truth:p


Yes but each is telling his own truth unless he doesn't admit his own truth therfore his truth is false

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Originally posted by darthfergie

If two tell the truth then they are all lieing because those two technicly lie when they say everyone is lieing when the other is not really...so they are really all liers and are all telling the truth:p



That doesn't make any sense. In order for them all to be lying they would all have to be telling the truth because then everyone could honestly be lying about everyone being liars. But if they are all telling the truth then none of them can be honestly called liars even though all of them are lying. So that clearly doesn't work. :p

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

That doesn't make any sense. In order for them all to be lying they would all have to be telling the truth because then everyone could honestly be lying about everyone being liars. But if they are all telling the truth then none of them can be honestly called liars even though all of them are lying. So that clearly doesn't work. :p


EXACTLY! Now your getting it!:D

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