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How many civs should SWGB2 have?

Admiral Vostok

How many civs should SWGB2 have?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. How many civs should SWGB2 have?

    • SWGB2 should have more than SWGB (10 or more)
    • SWGB2 should have about the same as SWGB (7 to 9)
    • SWGB2 should have less than SWGB (6 or less)

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Each civ has a counter civ, so it's always best if there are an even number of civs:


1-2) Naboo

2-1) Trade Federation

3-4) Wookiees

4-3) Gungans

5-6) Rebellion

6-5) Galactic Empire

7-8) Confederacy

8-7) Old Rebpublic


The Wookies and Gungans are counter civs? WTF?

Look, Gungans and Naboo counter TF. (even tho TF and Naboo are wasted civs) The Wookies are in a land by themselves...their only enemy is the Empire...and...SUPRISE! That's the same as the Rebels have:eek: Who could have guessed?


The Wookies were the most pathetic civ put into GB. PATHETIC! They could slaughter Galactic Powers. Yet they have but ONE PLANET that they call their own. ONE FREAKING PLANET! They don't even have a system, where most Galactic Powers own Sectors! Hapan have more than 100 inhabited worlds to call their own...they are not in it. The Chiss have a vast empire in the unknown regions...they are not in it. The Vong take over half the galaxy within a few years...they are not in it. Yet the WOOKIES, with one planet to their name...the wookies, who were enslaved by the Empire...the wookies, who joined the New Republic as soon as they were freed because they KNEW they had no power...the wookies are in it. Senseless...

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You don't have to be so shrewd! Jeez! It's just obvious fact: Gungans and Wookiees are both alien races. The Naboo, the Empire, most of the old Republic, and most of the Rebellion are human based. And the Trade Federation and Confederacy have no faces other than droid. The TF, Rebels, Wookiees, CIS, Gungans, Naboo, Republic, and Empire are in the game because PEOPLE KNOW WHO THEY ARE!!!!! The Chiss are hardly known, the Mon Calimari are in the rebellion, "the Hutts are gangsters", need I go on?

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I think that the current civs (+/- Wookies) and 2-3 "secret civs" that you get by doing certain thongs (beating the campaigns, beating the comp x number of times, ect.) that are unusable in MP (for balance and playability reasons) or by the SP comp (for AI programming reasons) that play dramatically different and not exactly equal to the regular civs. They're mainly for Scen Editors and idiots who for some reason want more civs.

AoM have? 9, which is pushing your limits, and it has good MP.

8 of which are popular. 8 is the majic number, the limit that you can make as many as possible dramatically different civs that are all equally viable and no two are similar.

The Chinese and Japanese and Koreans were pretty much identical, for example.

I dont think you could have picked more different civs. Aside from the fact that they have the same buildings, they have little similarities. The Japanese were a military/navy civ, the Chinese were the best (pre-patch) at economy, and the Koreans were incredibly defensive-minded.


The Wookies were the most pathetic civ put into GB. PATHETIC! They could slaughter Galactic Powers. Yet they have but ONE PLANET that they call their own. ONE FREAKING PLANET! They don't even have a system, where most Galactic Powers own Sectors! Hapan have more than 100 inhabited worlds to call their own...they are not in it. The Chiss have a vast empire in the unknown regions...they are not in it. The Vong take over half the galaxy within a few years...they are not in it. Yet the WOOKIES, with one planet to their name...the wookies, who were enslaved by the Empire...the wookies, who joined the New Republic as soon as they were freed because they KNEW they had no power...the wookies are in it. Senseless...

Gameplay>Realism and Marketing>Realism

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

It is good to see some common sense in these forums...


Wookiees are better known then the hapans and the chiss because at least one of their member is in the movies and a very popular one! Try to guess who it is...


There's a chiss in the movies? Or are you referring to Sev'Rance Tann?

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Chiss...in movies...don't mind me being amazingly skeptical of that comment. I mean, putting one in Jedi Outcast got me mad (yes, I know the Chiss had been officially discovered at the time, but a Chiss bartender?...anyway)...if Lucas put a chiss in one of the prequels it'll be just another EU thing that he ran over with a bulldozer...

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Luke's Dad didn't say Chiss were in the movies. He said a Wookiee was.


The fact is Lucas would never put a Chiss in his movies. Two out of three new movies and so far we haven't seen a single member of a PEU race. There have been hundreds of new races created by EU, and not a single one is in the prequels. They just aren't Star Wars, according to George Lucas.


And the Wookiees are not "part" of the Rebellion. In the movies I saw, there was only one Wookiee in the Rebellion, and he was only there because of Han. The Mon Calamari are part of it, they committed their ships and pilots. The Wookiees committed nothing.


Also Mon Calamari troops in EU doesn't matter. I never saw one Mon Calamari troop in the movies. Mon Calamari should not be a civ. Let's look at the significance of Wookiees over Mon Cal. There are about a dozen Mon Cal in the Old Trilogy and only one Wookiee. But you go up to the average person who has seen Star Wars and ask them what a Wookiee is they will be able to tell you. They will not be able to do the same for Mon Calamari.


Wolf Devil, a better anology than grouping enemies, forcing Gungans and Wookiees to be enemies, is to group them according to allies. Then you have:


Empire and Republic (since one becomes the other)

Trade Federation and Confederacy (separatists)

Naboo and Gungans (share a planet)

Rebels and Wookiees (both opposing the Empire)

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I'm not grouping enemies, I'm just stating that that's how it looks to me, and is understandable:


Naboo had to defeat the Trade Federation

Wookiees and Gungans are both primitive alien races (... well you know what I mean)

The Republic fights the Confederacy

The Rebellion fights the Empire


That's all

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But at least we're enjoying the stupidity.;)


I say the TF diserve the most credit for the victory...their overconfidence killed them. They had a huge fleet...where did it go? Only one battleship was present in orbit over the planet. Also stupid battle formations in an OPEN PLAIN...crazy droidekas...you'd think they'd know better. I would have just ordered an orbital bombardment on that huge army that was just massed around one spot...would have been a slaughter...of course it is just a movie...BUT STILL!

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Actually, I said they both equally had to defeat the Trade Federation, not that they both equally did. But since we're talking about that, technically neither could have succeeded on their own so that counts as equal contribution in my book.


Sith - Real life is boring. Besides, isn't talking about made up stuff all we ever do here?


And Fergie, you're right. Just like the Emperor, their "overconfidence was their weakness".

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Windu: Uh. I never said I'd prefer NR to Naboo.


Wolf Devil: Have the Smugglers Union and Hutt Cartel instead of the Old Jedi/Sith Orders. Firstly, it's like troopr's idea- you can't make civ out of Jedi. Secondly, the SU and HT are much more well-known (and have more source material) than the Old Orders. Where did they come from? Comics?


Sith: Which AoM civ is it that's unpopular?



Fergie, they couldn't really have done an orbital bombardment. There was one battleship in orbit, and it was too small to actually attack the planet's surface to any effect- the Droid Control Ship isn't exactly the size of an Impstar Deuce... but anyway, if they did that, it would've disturbed the Plotline. :D


And the Gungans deserve no credit whatsoever. They were a distraction. The Naboo could've sent all their pathetic civilians out on the Grassy Plains for a diversion, but they sent the Gungans because they thought they were stupid and wanted to get them killed. :)

Unfortunately, Anakin managed to destroy the control ship before OOM-9 executed all the Gungans, so the plan was foiled. Oh well.....

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Sith: Which AoM civ is it that's unpopular?

Set. Although he does have a minor cult (which I was once part of) following as well as an abstract but recognized strat that involves 3 god powers and a bunch of seige towers, he's too weak in classical (where he's supposed to be strong) and can't effectively FH (fast herioc, the current strat that everyone is bitching about) like Isis or Ra. Not to mention that his main bonuses (those animals) aren't exactly straight forward and require some creativity. But the patch is fixing the animals ($10 says Feral is moved to temple, which, by the way, was MY idea that I posted at AoMH and has gotten quite popular) and his slingers so that should fix it, although I'm pretty sure that Hades will then slip onto the unpopular list once Set leaves.

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Joe, I hope you meant to include Trade Federation on your list. And if SWGB2 has 2D graphics it will not sell. Why would anyone who isn't as much of a fan as us buy a 2D game when there are 3D games around? It's corporate suicide. LucasArts is not a charity. They don't need to cater for older, slower computers.

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Joe: As Vostok said, you must include the TF (all canon civs must be in there). Also, the Mon Calamari would be far better off as part of the New Republic.

Vostok's point about 2D graphics is also entirely correct. Games companies never babysit people who don't have newer computers. You want to play, you get a better comp.



Hmm. Although I've never played as Set, he seems pretty good. The priest animal conversion looks useful for hunting, and the Pharaoh's animal summoning... well, I don't know how good it is. Why should Feral be moved to the Temple? Where was it before?


Also, I don't know why Hades would become unpopular. His Vault of Erebus power is apparently quite good, and there's nothing all too terrible about him. Once again, I'm going off what other people have said...

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