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okay, i am making a map that has a river in it, and there is no definate top and bottom to the water brush (beacuse it's a triangle). I have put NODRAW textures wherever the waters touch (bends in teh river etc..) Now, heres the tricky part: I compiled my map, sky and all, and for some reason when i run the map in jk2 multiplayer halfway through the loading process the program crashes. Can anyone help me?


AIM: CaptianMcJesus

MSN: angrycottoncandyelf@hotmail.com




-Pajama Sam-

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Well, since water is basically a very glorified fog brush, you COULD just make a standard rectangular brush that fills the "river bed" and don't worry about fitting the brush to it. As for the sides, you dont need to no-draw them... after all, caulk isn't seen in-game anyways. :)

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I've had q3map do a wierd thing to me where it will draw water in if I only have the top and bottom textured, but I can walk on top of the water. It seems to like water brushes having the whole thing textured with water, not just top and bottom. Does that work in your map?

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If you are doing only a single water brush, you can get away with texturing all sides. However, if you two two brushes together that will touch, then, underwater where the brushes touch, you wont see through the "wall". Instead, you'll see, get this, the water texture that you would see on the surface! Which you would never ever see underwater.


FOr the most part, it's a technicality, true. But why get into a bad habit you may have to fix later? :)

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