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How was the first Human born?


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Evolution Shmevolution. If anything, we are devolving. I mean look at us, we start wars with each other, trying to kill each other for our own benefit. Propaganda running rampage, panic and stress in governments world-wide, it's all crazy. The should name this planet "Crazy" instead of Earth. Humans think that just because they have technology, that means that they are something. They sit back and watch their VCR's, while it blinks 12:00 in silent mockery of their "achievements."They created a machine to do the work of a man, while they sit back and count their profits, not even caring there are starving kids in one of those third world countries.

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Evolution Shmevolution. If anything, we are devolving. I mean look at us, we start wars with each other, trying to kill each other for our own benefit. Propaganda running rampage, panic and stress in governments world-wide, it's all crazy. The should name this planet "Crazy" instead of Earth. Humans think that just because they have technology, that means that they are something. They sit back and watch their VCR's, while it blinks 12:00 in silent mockery of their "achievements."They created a machine to do the work of a man, while they sit back and count their profits, not even caring there are starving kids in one of those third world countries.


Ooooh.... flaming the entire planet - I like it. I like it a lot :D


I only have one thing to say:


If it wasn't for a few brave scientists, who tried to look at how the world really works, we'd die of old age when we were 40. Not funny.


Technology and science is indifferent. They don't care how they're used, and they certainly don't corrupt people's mindsets. They're tools, not the job itself.

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Originally posted by Flanders

Most probably from a planet....


And I think 'god' exists, [i dont want to upset any religions]

If he really did exist, the Earth wouldnt be this mess right now.


Sorry, shouldn't really be quoting this, just thought i might as well share my opinion.


Like some people have said before, we cannot understand God. In his 'dimension' things are not created or destroyed. He was always there; that's something WE HUMANS CANNOT GRASP. About the Earth being "messed up". In my eyes, we're simply a little creation of God, no one knows what he thinks of our well being, he might have given us our fate to control.

And I guess i'll just point this out. I know many people believe the bible is "nonsense", but they usually only know of the genesis stories. You have to understand, when the bible was written people were..hmm..barbaric? Humans would have never been able to accept the fact that they evolved from apes. What if a being told a person about the true creation of humans? There is a high possibly that he barely understood/accepted any of it.


That's my "two cents" :p

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Originally posted by Pnut_Master

You have to understand, when the bible was written people were..hmm..barbaric? Humans would have never been able to accept the fact that they evolved from apes. What if a being told a person about the true creation of humans? There is a high possibly that he barely understand/accepted any of it.


So you're saying the Bible is not to be taken literally? That some of the stories told in it are merely metaphors? Cool, I like that.


It will hopefully mean that the Genesis is only a metaphor for what really happened - we evolved. That God sparked the big bang, and we can all stop worrying about telling creationists how the world really works.


I like your theory.

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Originally posted by Cjais

Ooooh.... flaming the entire planet - I like it. I like it a lot :D


I only have one thing to say:


If it wasn't for a few brave scientists, who tried to look at how the world really works, we'd die of old age when we were 40. Not funny.


Technology and science is indifferent. They don't care how they're used, and they certainly don't corrupt people's mindsets. They're tools, not the job itself.


Heh, sorry bout that, I wasn't in the greatest of moods when I was posting earlier. ;)



But you are correct when you say Science is different from technology. It's all on how people look at it.

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

And I was raised in Christianity. But it makes no nevermind. You were raised to think that Hitler was a bad man. He was, no?




Yes, he was. All evidence points to that. You can clearly test if his actions was good or bad. It matters not if he himself was a good person - actions are what dictates history.


But science doesn't need belief. It doesn't require you to be raised in the name of it. Science is not some grand purpose, it is a tool for describing the world. And so far, it has worked perfectly fine. Whenever there's something newly discovered that doesn't fit the old models, they're changed. This means you won't ever have a division/fraction between scientists - they always conform to the smartest model available.


Once you realize that there is no absolute truth, you'll also see that science is the currently least false way of describing that non-truth. Which is why we should stick to it alone.


@Darth Knight: So you don't believe God created man, even though you're Catholic? Doesn't that go against several fundamental dogmas in the Christian church?

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I think the important part of Catholicism, or any other religion, Islam, jeudaism, etc, is the values and ethics it conveys. Rather than sticking pedantically to every literal word of the doctrine. However, many who fanatically regurgatate every single word of their respective holy books does not abide by the deeper morals and values.


I think that many of the tales, like pnut said, though might well have occured historically, are collected as a metaphorical platform to deliver a more universal meaning: of morals, ethics, and other values that make human coherence a happy one. There are many i feel that just take each work from the bible or karam too literally.



Evolution Shmevolution. If anything, we are devolving. I mean look at us, we start wars with each other, trying to kill each other for our own benefit. Propaganda running rampage, panic and stress in governments world-wide, it's all crazy. The should name this planet "Crazy" instead of Earth. Humans think that just because they have technology, that means that they are something. They sit back and watch their VCR's, while it blinks 12:00 in silent mockery of their "achievements."They created a machine to do the work of a man, while they sit back and count their profits, not even caring there are starving kids in one of those third world countries.


Evolution has nothing to do with society, culture, or ethnicity advancement, it is how organisms adapt to different habitat environments to survive. Advancement of civilization is an independent process. Thinking about it, the destructivity of humans have insured our temporary survival and in long term, domination of this planet, which is in part, what evolution tried to achieve.

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