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Originally posted by Lunatic Jedi

Are you kidding? Hussein is trying to prevent the war because he knows he will get his ass kicked.


Its Bush who is doing whatever he can to start a war. He has come up with so many stupid excuses to start this war that I've lost count. Soon he'll be saying "Dad left his wallet in Iraq."



Bush isn't making stupid excuses to start a war. Saddam I no doubtly waiting to turn our back and then attack its best to watch him. I hate when people bash the president just becuase he's republican If it was a democratic president doing the same thing as bush nobody would complain, some people act imature with little petty diffrences. He doesn't want America being attacked defensless. Saddam wants war but he to afraid to go front. I mean isn't it kinda odd that Saddam doesn't let anyone in after a while he greets them in with open arms. Either he up to something or this guy is a phsyco. This was a amount of time long enough to hide weapons. So Bush doesn't want to start a war he just wants to be ready if anyone tries anything funny.

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Bush is obviously trying to attack Iraq. He's said so himself - he's only waiting for his casus belli to attack Iraq.


Saddam on the other hand, has nothing to gain if he goes to war. It'll lead to the complete pulverization of his country if he does so.

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Don't you realise that this world is ruled by giant lizards and straight away they show you the "unseen angle of JFK being shot" and that George Bush is just the little figure put there to look liek he's ruling the government when it's Really an underground organization!!!!!

-David Icke style. Look him up on google if you don't know :D

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Originally posted by TheHobGoblin

Bush isn't making stupid excuses to start a war. Saddam I no doubtly waiting to turn our back and then attack its best to watch him. I hate when people bash the president just becuase he's republican If it was a democratic president doing the same thing as bush nobody would complain, some people act imature with little petty diffrences. He doesn't want America being attacked defensless. Saddam wants war but he to afraid to go front. I mean isn't it kinda odd that Saddam doesn't let anyone in after a while he greets them in with open arms. Either he up to something or this guy is a phsyco. This was a amount of time long enough to hide weapons. So Bush doesn't want to start a war he just wants to be ready if anyone tries anything funny.




Yet another good point im backing up... :S Just because hes a republican doesnt mean his stupid... Trust me... Gore was president it would be just as bad... :(

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First and last time I join in one of these debates. And I'm not gonna debate either, I just have one thing to say:


If you're about to post in these kinds of threads, do your research and don't go making assumptions based on propaganda. That's where people get defensive of their country.


*leaves quickly*

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I think both Bush and a lot of you have forgotten that war is never a solution, only a problem. War leads to more war, as you easily could see in WW1. Starting a war is one of the most dreadful things you can do, and people who pushes for war should be locked in for good, after my opinion. War is just really a struggle between goverments, who lets their people suffer because of their lack of agreement.


As Jimmy Carter said, "War may be a nessisary evil. But no matter how nessisery, it is always an evil, never a good."

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Originally posted by Cjais



Bush is obviously trying to attack Iraq. He's said so himself - he's only waiting for his casus belli to attack Iraq.


Saddam on the other hand, has nothing to gain if he goes to war. It'll lead to the complete pulverization of his country if he does so.


The terroist hand nothing to gain by attacking us. What makes you think saddam will think diffrent. Although I don't like war terroist sarted this whole thing. We must end it. War is not the solution and Bush knows that. But we never started this, they did.

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