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1 Way Glass


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I have never tried it, but the ways I would try to do it are

1: make your glass brush, and in front of it, make a brush that is caulked on one side but not the other because you can see through caulk.

2) Make a curve that only curves 1 grid measurement, and cover it with glass. make another curve directly inside it and texture it with a solid color on the other side. remember that textures on curves will only appear on one side.

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It was easy i did it on accident. 1)Create "one" brush full caulk. 2)Texture the side that will not be seen as a window, and simply leave all of the other sides caulk. *Simple* Because when the user looks through the caulked sid of the brush he sees da other room, as of when hee looks through the textured side he sees only the texture displayed. (Note: Even though one side is textured while looking through the caulked side the caulk properties allow you to see whats on the other side of the texture. -Easy, Mike

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Theres no way to do this with brushes.


Disclaimer :: This is how it would be done in Q3.


The best way to do it, is to create a portal on one side one the class surface, and a camera on the other.

This way one side is opaque and the other has the portal surface, showing you whats on the other side...


Now since JK editing is kinda new to me, I'm not sure that they even have these entities that you can do this... But thats the ONLY way you could do this... Brush work or texturing isn't going to do it...

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Unless they have made changes to q3map2 that I'm unaware of, a cualked surface isn't calculated, while compiling. Aka it isn't there. So in effect what you would have would be a HOM effect.

Sure your way might work, but that doesn't mean its the recommended way, or the correct way...:)


| <-- Wall

X <-- Portal Surface

C <--- Camera


| |

| |

X |C ---- TP <--- Target position

| |

| |


Their, if you want an example of portal Surfaces and camera, please see Q3demo_7 what ever the map name. The portal with the mega help has a camera portal system on it...


Caulking a brush isn't the way you want to do it...

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