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Alien species.

Deft Aklin

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So far, here is the listing of alien species I have seen listed:




Mon Cal




My question is, will there be more added either utilizing skins or updates, or will this be all. Personally, I see several important species missing from this list. Devaronians? Duros? Squibs? Near Humans? I personally don't feel it would be Star Wars without a wider variety of aliens. That's just my opinion of course.:fett:

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Uhm to answer your question..... NO ONE KNOWS! we all hope that when the space expansion comes out (one year after the official realiease of Star Wars Galaxies) they will ad more species and more planets.


I hope to see you around more :D


C ya


-Wraith 8-

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I would have prefered Devaronian, Squib or Twi'Lek, in that order. From the new list, I think I will have to choose between Human or Rodian. I just feel they should have started with a good twenty different species for that SW feel. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh crap!


No seriously, I have crap on my nose!


Anyone have a paper towel?




Seriously though, courtesy and respect should never be viewed as brown-nosing. Wraith has helped me a lot since I joined a few weeks ago, and it is appreciated.


Keep in mind, this guy doesn't get paid anything to help us out! He does it because he likes it, and because he likes to flex his muscles every now and then. ;)

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Originally posted by Trooper21

I'm new here so sorry if this seems dumb, but what is the species that Kit Fisto is and is that species in the game?

Kit Fisto

a Nautolan, Kit Fisto was the Jedi Master who took over the training of Bant Eerin in the wake of Tahl's death. Years later, Master Fisto was paired with Belsed-Qan Idan to put together a task force to stop the Iridium Pirates that were ambushing Old Republic supply convoys, shortly before the onsetof the Clone Wars. While the Jedi were successful, they lost three members of their Order and were unable to save their command ship, the Monitor III. Kit Fisto was one of the Jedi Masters who accompanied Mace Windu to Geonosis, as part of the task force sent to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi and determine the level of threat of the Conferedation of Independent States. His combat prowess was evident, as Master Fisto was one of the few survivors of the initial stages of the Battle of Geonosis. Kit Fisto was portrayed by Zachariah Jensen in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.



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Hi im Wraith 8 your local Moderator.

Please Read this before you post!

If you have any problems what so ever, send a Private Message to me.


Here you have your welcome gift to the forums :D:

*gives a large box full of Chocolate Gnorts*


I hope to see you around more :D


C ya


-Wraith 8-

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well the official FAQ sais:


3.11 Will there be species in the game that are not playable?


A ton. Our NPC aliens list is pretty extensive.


and on our own SWGalxies,net on this page:


There is a HUGE list of extra species in game.

Aqualish: Aqualish are walrus-faces humanoids from Ando. Dr. Evazan and his Aqualish friend, Ponda Baba, picked a fight with Luke Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi in the cantina scene of ANH.


Barabel: Barabel are a reptilian/humanoid species from the planet of Barab I. Barabels have a deep respect for Jedi Knights stemming from a civil war in their distance past.


Bimm: Bimms are small, yellow-clad aliens from the planet Bimmisarri.


Bith: The Bith are a species of tall, slender beings from the planet Clak'dor VII.


Bpfasshi: Bpfasshi are the inhabitants of the planet Bpfassh.


Brubb: Brubb are bipedal reptilian's from the planet Baros.


Camassi: The Camassi are peaceful, down covered being from the ancient world of Camass. Their world was attacked and devastated sometime around the clone wars by agents of what would eventually be the Empire. Camassi tend to make excellent mediators. Corran Horn, a pilot in Rogue Squadron, while trying to rescue Mirax, his wife, befriended a Camassi.


Chadra-Fan: Chadra-Fan are small, cute, rodentlike humanoids from the planet Chad.


Defel: Defels, also known as wraiths, are nearly invisible under most conditions. They take on the appearance of shadows and are invaluable as spies and assassins.


Devaronian: Devaronians are humanoid species from the temperate planet of Devaron. They have two distinct horns on their head and long, pointed teeth, earning them the wraith of many other species, who believe they look like fictitious devils and other evil beings.


Duros: Duros are tall thin aliens with large eyes and thin mouths. They come from the planet Duro and many are employed by the Empire as cargo haulers.


Ewok: Ewoks are small furry creatures that resemble large teddy-bears. They are native to the moon of Endor, and live in tree houses high over the ground. They have been seen yelling "Yub Yub" very often, which can get annoying if you don't have a protocol/translator droid with you.


Fuzzum: Fuzzum are even more annoying then Jar Jar.


Gammorean: Gammoreans are piglike, seemingly brutish aliens, from the planet Gamorr. They tend to be employed as guards by crime lords such as the Hutts. Jabba the Hutt had many Gammoreans under his employ.


Gand: Gand are anmonia-breathers from the planet of the same name. The bounty hunter Zuckuss, who appeared in The Empire Strikes Back in the company of 4LOM, was a Gand. Ooryl Qyrgg, a pilot in Rogue Squadron, was also a Gand.


Gotal: Gotals are shaggy gray humanoids native to Antar IV. They have two horns growing from their heads and protruding chins. They also have the unique ability to sense the emotions of other creatures.


Gungan: Gungans be da lanky, oddlookin' hum'noids native to da swamps of Nabooo, see? Jar Jar Binks wasa bein' a Gungan in Episode I.


Ho’Din: Ho'din are slender, lanky, leathery creatures from the planet Moltok. Many of their species are great healers and ecologists, similar to the Ithorians.


Hutt: Hutts are huge, hulking slug creatures from the planet Nal Hutta. They are very competitive creatures, and many control vast smuggling and criminal associations.


Ithorian: Ithorian's, sometime referred to as Hammerheads, come from the planet of Ithor. They are extremely religious beings, and have a deep respect for the forests of their world.


Jawa: Jawas are small, gnome-like scavengers from the planet Tatooine. They control many of the mighty sand-crawlers that were left being by human settlers long ago. They criss-cross the deserts searching for scrap and lost droid to sell or trade in towns or outposts.


Kowakian: A Kowakain monkey lizard appears - sitting on Jabba's tail - in the Return of the Jedi.


Kubaz: Kubaz are a tall, dark species from the planet Kubindi. A Kubaz tracks Luke Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi through the streets of Mos Eisley, and eventually betrays them to the Empire, in Star Wars: A New Hope.


Noghri: Noghri are thin, brutish warriors from the planet of Honoghr. Their race was enslaved by the Empire until Leia Organa freed them near the end of Thrawn's reign.


Quarren: Quarren share their world with the Mon Calamari. They have humanoid bodies and squid-like heads, earning them the title of squid-heads. Quarren have the ability to stay underwater for amazing amounts of time without coming up for air.


Shistaven: Shistavens are humanoids with wolfish heads and faces, pointed and cruel teeth, and narrow, glowing eyes.


Sluissi: Sluissi are beings from the planet Sluis Van.


Stokhi: The Stokhi species invented the dangerous Stokhi Spray Sticks, which were a favorite weapon of Noghri Commando Squads.


Sullustians: Sullustians are short, mouse-eared, humanoids from the planet Sullust. Nien Nubb, Landa's copilot during the assault on the 2nd death star, was a Sullustian.


Talz: Talz are white-furred humanoids from the planet of Alzoc III. A Talz appeared in the cantina scene in SW:ANH.


Tusken: Tuskens are humanoids from Tatooine.


Ugnaught: Ugnaughts are a species of small, leathery beings with creased foreheads and a jittery language. Many Ugnaughts could be seen on Cloud City during The Empire Strikes Back.


Verpine: Verpine are a thin, bipedal species who live in hollowed out asteroids in the Roche field. They have amazing eyesight and advanced mathematical intelligence, leading many of them to search for jobs on the spaceship building and repair industries. They are high prized mechanics, and can usually boost ships up past their optimal specs.


Vratix: Vratix are large, insect-like, aliens from the planet Thyferra who share a hive mind. They are important to the production of Bacta.


Weequay: Weequay are a humanoid species with bald heads and tough greyish skin. Many Weequays were employed by Jabba the Hutt.


Whipid: Whipids are huge, furry humanoids with distinct faces and enormous muscles. They anger easily and enjoy the "thrill of the hunt." Many Whipids become bounty hunters because of this.



my 2 cents :D

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