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what do you think of the hotel rooms?


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You just love points don't you?:evanpiel:


If you don't read pms I'll spell it out here for you SE_Vader...you're on your last legs. You were just banned. When you were unbanned you had 67 posts, now 180+...more than doubled in the few days you've been unbanned and mostly over the time where points were enabled! You've annoyed numerous people around the forums with your spam and since you're JUST OFF A BANNING you're already being watched closely. Yet you choose to keep on spaming, not just here but in off-topic and probably other forums. Watch your posting for the next few days especially in Galactic Discussion where the conversation needs to be even more trimmed of spam than normal.

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Heh. That could be a new expression. "To be bill r'ed- to suffer an extremely grave injury."

Also- "To do a bill r- to do something extremely stupid which will generally result in an extremely grave injury."


About the hotel rooms... I don't know. Couldn't people just PM, email each other, use an instant messaging service (IRC, ICQ, MSN, whatever)? It seems a trifle useless. Oh well.

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