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LotR or Starwars?

Lotr or Starwars?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Lotr or Starwars?

    • LotR
    • Starwars

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Argh. This sort of feels like a weak attempt to rack up a few more points for yourself. You've never posted here before, you've never met any of us... so why do you care what we think?


Polls like this might be acceptable at JK2, but at GB we prefer to DISCUSS things. Which means voicing our opinions in more than 1 word...


It seems like JK2ers like coming to our forum to just to get a few more posts. They don't attempt to fit in, or become part of the community. It's painfully obvious what they're doing. :rolleyes: You haven't attempted to introduce yourself. I'm not asking for a "Hello" thread, though. ;)


Now, if I've got you read all wrong... I'm sorry. I'm probably the only guy who feels this way. :D But be warned: initiation at GB is a lengthy process. :p


(This was originally a Long, Irate Rant (remember Gamma? ;)) but then I closed the window and lost all of it :()


I LIKE EU! As a whole, it may not be quite on par with the (original) movies, but some books really manage capture the Star Wars-feel (yes, Thrawn). Those books are BETTER than the movies, because you can fit so much more description into a book. The plots tend to be a bit more involved, too.


Anyways... I liked the Fellowship better than any Star Wars movie ever released. The books may be unreadable, but LOTR is great on film! :) It just felt so IMMENSE. There's so much depth to LOTR...


I have fond memories of seeing Star Wars when I was really young, though. However, LOTR is better now.

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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

A remeber a Gamma, but not who or what they were.:D:confused:


Oh come on! Gamma was one of the forum's most valuable first month members! Gamma767/747/727 ... erm, 7something7... :p He made "Long, Irate Rants, brought to you by Hormel!". He left after the first 2 months, though. :(


Remember now?

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Lord of the RIngs (if just cannon because the around is just statring with LoTR or at least the movies)


In Star wars the movies present George Lucas's view which makes for good fun but The Lord of the Rings book(s) Tolkein express his view TO BE interpruted by others.

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A little ruff wasn't that Rommel? :confused:


Well I prefer Star Wars and all the EU (I've read only a little bit of it). There is a lot of novels that you can read and most of the stuff that I have read wasn't bad at all except for the contradictions. There is a lot of plot and you can say that that EU is kinda giving the backround and more just like Tolkien did with his books. Even though it all doesn't fit into place it does make thing's intresting and worth the read.


LOTR on the other hand I have not read but the summary's. It is good and very intresting and I like all the detail that Tokien put into his book is very good but unfortunetly there is going to be no more since he is dead. Had he still been around and writing then it would be better because you could expand and what he has written and go anywhere with it.


I know that many people have said that all the EU is crap but it is delivering what most of the fan's want. We all know that as soon EP III comes out there will be no more from GL but the books are feading our craving for Star Wars a little bit but not really satisfying it. All you can do with LOTR is read the 5-6 books isn't it that he has written? After ROTK comes out there is nothing for the fans to do but read the books themselves and after that what? Star Wars is still coming out with books and although many people don't like it people are reading it so the writers must be doing something right if people are buying the books.


I myself prefer Star Wars more because it is my facination with distant worlds and cultures. LOTR is really get me intrested in Middle Earth but I like technology more than I do sorcery so that is why Star Wars wins in my book. I have grown up watching the movies and reading the books as well. I have read more Star Wars books than that of what was required of me to read at school. I also love Star Wars and it has been around longer in my eyes. Had I been introduced to Middle Earth at a younger age it might of been diffrent but it wasnt.


So am I slowly being accepted here or am I just another JKII neusence?



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Rommel! So good to see you again! I know exactly what your talking about.




I choose Star Wars, because i've considered everything. Games, books, movies, everything there is must be considered. Looking at it all, SW beats LOTR hands down. LOTR has 3 very long, boring books, SW has 60+ manageable, fun, entertaining books. The movie, LOTR's are good, but so are SW, they are even here. Games, SW has a ton better games. Sure, they have some not so good ones, but LOTR has only one pretty good one.


So, overall, while the movies are about equal (a slight advantage to SW IMO), SW beats LOTR in all otehr aspects. Enough said.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Rommel! So good to see you again! I know exactly what your talking about.




I choose Star Wars, because i've considered everything. Games, books, movies, everything there is must be considered. Looking at it all, SW beats LOTR hands down. LOTR has 3 very long, boring books, SW has 60+ manageable, fun, entertaining books. The movie, LOTR's are good, but so are SW, they are even here. Games, SW has a ton better games. Sure, they have some not so good ones, but LOTR has only one pretty good one.


So, overall, while the movies are about equal (a slight advantage to SW IMO), SW beats LOTR in all otehr aspects. Enough said.



One thing you didn't cover is the time difference SW movies came out in the seventies which makes it a comadity that most have grown up with while Lord of the Rings was written in the 40's



Not that time has anything to do with it it changes the familiarity everybody knows SW but few in comparison knew of Tolkien till the movies where released



P.S. an intresting fact I first reads about the LoTR movie in the 90's I want to say 97 but then I want to say that about everything so 98-99 ish

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Uh, R15, you forgot to post.


OK you know what I fear that I unfairly cast my vote. I've never seen, nor read the LotR series. Perhaps I should.


OK this is sad who talks like that?


Well anyway the next person to tell me that I should watch/read it before saying whether or not I like it will be the one to convince me.

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LOTR movie is as good as SW (I like to think that they both are 10-13 hour films:rolleyes: )

LOTR books are better than SW books in most places, although sometimes quite boring but then again SW can be contradictory and I don't read the ones I hear contradict the movies.

SW games are better hands down.


I like them equally as well, and on a related topic I would also like a SW or LOTR game based on the BF1942 engine. That would be so cool!!:D

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i feel comparing movies to movies is slightly unfair because in starwars the movies ARE the story, they are starwars, the books are exactly what u say they are, EU.




It seems better to compair the LOTR books to the SW movies because they were the first attempts at telling their story.




FOr me, Iv never read EU, and i dont plan to unless i get extremely bored, but for LOTR the books are a MUST READ, and if you feel the books are unreadable you have some serious issues, because tolkien flows better than any writer i've ever read (thats not a big accomplishment considdering i dont read alot ;))

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Originally posted by JEDI_MASTA

FOr me, Iv never read EU, and i dont plan to unless i get extremely bored, but for LOTR the books are a MUST READ, and if you feel the books are unreadable you have some serious issues, because tolkien flows better than any writer i've ever read (thats not a big accomplishment considdering i dont read alot ;))



The books are unreadable. I've read a tone of books, and i must say that LOTR is the second most boring book i've ever read, just before Thoreau's Walden. Everyone always says i stopped before the good parts, but how good of a book can it be if you have to suffer through 200 pages to get to the good parts? To me, it didn't flow well at all. He got caught up in too much detail and disjuncted the plot.


As for EU, if you've never read them, then you are really missing out. Not all of them are incredibly well written, but many of them are done very well, and all of them are exciting. At least read everything up to NJO, i can see how some people have a problem with those.


Oh, and i don't remember anything that contradicts the movies, not that i can remember anyways. And certainly not in any serious manner.

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

Argh. This sort of feels like a weak attempt to rack up a few more points for yourself. You've never posted here before, you've never met any of us... so why do you care what we think?


Polls like this might be acceptable at JK2, but at GB we prefer to DISCUSS things. Which means voicing our opinions in more than 1 word...


It seems like JK2ers like coming to our forum to just to get a few more posts. They don't attempt to fit in, or become part of the community. It's painfully obvious what they're doing. :rolleyes: You haven't attempted to introduce yourself. I'm not asking for a "Hello" thread, though. ;)


Now, if I've got you read all wrong... I'm sorry. I'm probably the only guy who feels this way. :D But be warned: initiation at GB is a lengthy process. :p


(This was originally a Long, Irate Rant (remember Gamma? ;)) but then I closed the window and lost all of it :()



well then screw it i wont post here if im not welcome, gesh...its all good...i was just tryin to start posting here to but i guess i wont anymore...whatever its all good. ya'll here dont seem that nice anyways...im sorry. im pprobably the only guy who feels this way :D

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

The books are unreadable. I've read a tone of books, and i must say that LOTR is the second most boring book i've ever read, just before Thoreau's Walden. Everyone always says i stopped before the good parts, but how good of a book can it be if you have to suffer through 200 pages to get to the good parts? To me, it didn't flow well at all. He got caught up in too much detail and disjuncted the plot.


As for EU, if you've never read them, then you are really missing out. Not all of them are incredibly well written, but many of them are done very well, and all of them are exciting. At least read everything up to NJO, i can see how some people have a problem with those.


Oh, and i don't remember anything that contradicts the movies, not that i can remember anyways. And certainly not in any serious manner.



I can tell you have read many books


1. Ton is spelled t-o-n not tone I the pronoun is always capitalized

2. You point out that you need to try EU but you quit LotR after 200 pages it took me 6 weeks to read of course that do to several factors that I was in between 4 and 5th grade and that I went to a "daycamp" and only read an hour a day

3. This might not matter to you but in a post where books (mostly the grammatical useage) is the subject matter a little respect should be given to English (mostly its grammatical use) ( Idon't know why I'm posting this because I'm an aweful speller which was really the problem with your post)(but while in the middle of this post I remembered that I wanted to try and see if people read exsepionaly long post and that to see if I could put junk and others would skip without reading which really woud't bother me because this is an experiment now to switch back to subject matter to hid this thought)( when posting this I noticed it wasn't as long as I had hoped so I thought I would recant my lunch meal for you. First of all I went to the refrigerator and pulled out the last 2 pieces of leftover frozen pizza I then proceeded to heat up the pizzA but after 30 seconds it was still not warm so then I reheated on the way to the couch with my luch I picked up a Dr. Pepper. I proceeded to pop the top of the DP I set down and my luch before finding anything to watch I continued to flip channels as I ate Chex-Mix. Chex-Mix gone with only garlic breath left over I put on a cd. So there I am flippin chompin rockin groovin to the beat laid down by master DJ Sparticus.) So basically I am pointing out your double standard you read EU but read only 200 pgs of IMO one of the best books ever.



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Originally posted by Lord Fergie

I can tell you have read many books


1. Ton is spelled t-o-n not tone I the pronoun is always capitalized

2. You point out that you need to try EU but you quit LotR after 200 pages it took me 6 weeks to read of course that do to several factors that I was in between 4 and 5th grade and that I went to a "daycamp" and only read an hour a day

3. This might not matter to you but in a post where books (mostly the grammatical useage) is the subject matter a little respect should be given to English (mostly its grammatical use) ( Idon't know why I'm posting this because I'm an aweful speller which was really the problem with your post)(but while in the middle of this post I remembered that I wanted to try and see if people read exsepionaly long post and that to see if I could put junk and others would skip without reading which really woud't bother me because this is an experiment now to switch back to subject matter to hid this thought)( when posting this I noticed it wasn't as long as I had hoped so I thought I would recant my lunch meal for you. First of all I went to the refrigerator and pulled out the last 2 pieces of leftover frozen pizza I then proceeded to heat up the pizzA but after 30 seconds it was still not warm so then I reheated on the way to the couch with my luch I picked up a Dr. Pepper. I proceeded to pop the top of the DP I set down and my luch before finding anything to watch I continued to flip channels as I ate Chex-Mix. Chex-Mix gone with only garlic breath left over I put on a cd. So there I am flippin chompin rockin groovin to the beat laid down by master DJ Sparticus.) So basically I am pointing out your double standard you read EU but read only 200 pgs of IMO one of the best books ever.



..................... *shakes head*



1. Ok, so i'm going to point out every typo in every one of your posts ever made. :rolleyes: If your going to attack me, you could at least just argue my opinion, not my typing skills. The reason i don't capitalize i's is because i'm used to typing in Word where it fixes it for you. andi really don't feel like going back and changing them all. What does it matter anyways?


2. I did try to the books, thats what i said. I read 200 pages (about 3-4 nights worth maybe), and i got to the point where despite wanting to go on (i felt like i really needed to read these "classic" books), i got to the point where i just could not read another page, so i quit. I read books for fun, and that simply was not fun to read. You (or Masta), on the other hand, haven't read a page of EU, so he has no idea, do you? Why don't you read say....Heir to the Empire. Then you can come back and accuse me of not readig enough of LOTR. I read nearly half the first book i believe.


3. O_o My grammar is, for the most part, flawless. That's more than you can say for your spelling or punctuation. The only visible mistakes are the i capitalization, and the fact that my comma use may be a little off (hardly anyone knows the rules anyway). And that's only because i type how i want it to be read. If i want a pause, i put a comma, simple as that. Wait, what the heck am i doing saying this, and what the heck are you doing falsely accusing me? This has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

..................... *shakes head*



1. Ok, so i'm going to point out every typo in every one of your posts ever made. :rolleyes: If your going to attack me, you could at least just argue my opinion, not my typing skills. The reason i don't capitalize i's is because i'm used to typing in Word where it fixes it for you. andi really don't feel like going back and changing them all. What does it matter anyways?


2. I did try to the books, thats what i said. I read 200 pages (about 3-4 nights worth maybe), and i got to the point where despite wanting to go on (i felt like i really needed to read these "classic" books), i got to the point where i just could not read another page, so i quit. I read books for fun, and that simply was not fun to read. You (or Masta), on the other hand, haven't read a page of EU, so he has no idea, do you? Why don't you read say....Heir to the Empire. Then you can come back and accuse me of not readig enough of LOTR. I read nearly half the first book i believe.


3. O_o My grammar is, for the most part, flawless. That's more than you can say for your spelling or punctuation. The only visible mistakes are the i capitalization, and the fact that my comma use may be a little off (hardly anyone knows the rules anyway). And that's only because i type how i want it to be read. If i want a pause, i put a comma, simple as that. Wait, what the heck am i doing saying this, and what the heck are you doing falsely accusing me? This has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.



What!?! an attack on my character?


First I must ask you if you were once employed as a village idiot.:)


Because I stated that my spelling was terrible.

So now after a simple point making attack on your spelling even though I wrote it as grammicts then your "great skills" showed themselves as you went calling them gramattics and then attakicng my spelling which was allready forestated that I had terrible spelling skills:p :eek:



AHhh the awe inspiring bickering between 2 employed village idiots. Did I say that?!? Man allways letting tht slip all the time :)




Author note conversation about spelling and Martin Gramatica and his brother Bill is henceforth stopped

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Originally posted by Tie Guy



....i don't know what to say to such rampant stupidity. darthfergie, you have to live with this guy? I feel bad for ya.



If we could, it'd be nice to get back on topic...



Again I already said lets get back on topic:p




But as we are on topic LotR has more depth,IMO. Than SW now don't get me wrong I love SW but...

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