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Jedi Academy Mod 1.0


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Download Location: http://www.pcgamemods.com/file.php?id=1e48c4420b7073bc11916c6c1de226bb



Description: Built off the popular Vulcanus Admin Mod 2.2 core, this mod is a server only modification designed to control a server. Loaded with admin functions, Cvars, emotes, and CTF tools this is the only mod you will ever need. Customized to meet the expectations of the Jedi Academy (http://academy.jediknightii.net) this mod can be used for any clan server as well as for personal enjoyment. So step on up and download the best Server-side mod of today, tomorrow, and forever.


Additional Information :


All Vulcanus Admin Mod 2.2 functions included.

Everything is now logged to the server.

New Jedi Knight login system and its accompanied commands.

Use of Bacta during duels, disabled.

10 Second rule for duels, disabled.

Sabers igniting at spawn, disabled.

Optimized code for speed.

msay - now sends message to both Trainer and Knight.(Trainer & Knight use only)

mwhois - allows admin to see who is logged in as a Trainer and/or Knight. (Trainer & Knight use only)

mkick - now appends a message to client as well as to the server. (Trainer & Knight use only)

mkickban - now appends a message to client as well as to the server.(Trainer use only)

mtele - teleports user to a desired location. (Trainer use only)

morigin - gets players location on the map.(Trainer use only)

mpunish - punishes client. (Trainer use only)

munpunish - unpunishes client. (Trainer use only)

mreward - rewards client for passing his/her trial.(Trainer use only)

mforceteam - forces a client to a specific CTF team. (Trainer use only)

mdenyvote - denies a certain client to vote. (Trainer use only)

mallowvote - returns voting privelege to client. (Trainer use only)

mlockteam - locks a specific team in CTF mode so no one can join. (Trainer use only)

munlockteam - unlocks a specific team in CTF mode so people can join. (Trainer use only)

All items can now be pushed/pulled.

Added 14 new emotes.

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Perhaps something like multiple pistols, an auto-targeting(somewhat like what you see on star wars: bounty hunter), a new stealth mode, like the shadow troopers in sp, maybe enable force crystals(the ones you get when you kill shadow troopers) in mp, so that if the max force rank is jedi knight, you pick a few of those up, and you're at jedi master level.

Perhaps, toggle-able(?) saber ignition speeds, lengths, widths.

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Nice Work ZeroCool.


You say the code is optimized for speed. Is there a noticable speed improvement?


I'm asking this, because maybe I'll ask MarS to change the mod on the Vulcanus server to this one. I'm an admin on Vulcanus.


I'm gonna pay a visit to your server. Maybe one of your trainers can demonstrate the new features to me.

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What mostly that was optimized is my own code. I got rid of unnecessary calls to functions and redundant use of code. This was a pretty lengthy process, but I can see a difference now than what this mod was in its alpha stage. Thanks for the great comment. I look forward to creating new versions to please those of the Jedi Knight II community.:D


Also, Me and a couple of buddies of mine are creating a script that works with the mod as well has some neat tools that you may find useful when playing jk2. The Jedi Academy Script will be out in a week or so.

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1) Create an "academy folder" inside the gamedata folder with everything in it, except for the JediAcademy.bat file.


2) Open academy.cfg file and adjust it to your liking. (passwords, motd, cvars, etc.) and save it.


3) Then Place the JediAcademy.bat file inside the gamedata folder and double click it to run the game. (This loads the mod immediatly without having the hassle of going through the GUI)


4) When you start server, open console and type

"\exec academy.cfg"


It was done this way for that reason as well as if you created a pk3 file, chances are client would still have to download it. So eliminating the pk3 would make the mod truly serverside.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like this mod very much, I look foward to a next release.


I especially like the /amwait emote. ;)


Although I seem to be getting a problem with it reverting to default settings. IE: Full screen, not executing the autoexec.cfg in the base, settings controls to default, and all video settings being set as their factory settings.


It seems to happen after starting it up for the first time.


Even after I deleted the jk2mp.cfg and start a game, the next time I start JK2 via the .bat or command line, it still reverts to the default factory settings.


It seems to be when I play if offline, I have yet to try server-side. I have even tried adding a blank dummy PK3 in the folder to see if that helps. But with or without the PK3, it still isn't fixed.


Any help would be great, thanks.

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The video settings and such are not affected by the mod. When you set your default viewing, etc. all that stuff is saved in your base folder and carried over to your "academy" folder when you start the mod. If they arent. Load the mod and set all your settings for video/sound/etc. Then, load a quick game and exit. Try reloading the Mod again with the .bat file and see what happens...If it occurs again, look to see if you have a server.cfg file that is changing your video settings.

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I have to say I love this mod, however a few small things bug me and I was curious if anyone else has noticed this?


1. /morigin does not work, nor does /amorigin

2. When switching maps via the console, sometimes the mod


3. I have found this cvar by doing the following:

loading Academymod, then starting a game. Exiting to main menu, then loading 'recycled', then loading academymod again.

The cvar in question is: g_useWhileThrowing


I'm curious if this is an academy mod function that is buggy, or if I have stumbled onto a cvar where all left socks and paperclips exist?


In case anyone is curious I have the mod installed in an 'academy folder' inside gamedata. I have it setup for server-side and I have a 'dummy'pk3' in as well.

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To use the origin command you must either have rcon access or trainer password.


if you have rcon password, login like this: (where hello is the password)


\rconpassword hello


then to use the command, you type:


\rcon morigin username


if you have "trainer" access:


\amlogin hello


then you can use the command:


\amorigin username



// NOTE: the parameter "username" can be anyone on the server...


If you dont put a username for the morigin, amorigin, it automatically executes on yourself and prints out your location: (x, y, z) When you use the teleport command, dont forget there are 5 parameters needed to execute the command (ex \amtele username 45 600 20 100) The last number "100" is the angle the person is facing, that number can be any number 1-360, does'nt matter really...

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Question: Why are you loading the mod a second time...The mod stays loaded as long as you dont exit the game entirely. Also, when changing maps...there should be no problem with that and the mod. I, myself, have not encountered such a bug nor have I heard anything from others. If you could write specific steps to repeat I'm sure we can figure out where it went wrong...


Thanks and I'm glad you like the Mod!!!


...and yes, I am working on a new version to be released in the near future. Stay tuned!!

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Ok I'll try to answer this best I can.


First the rcon thing. You were right, I forgot to set it *kicks self*

For what its worth tho, I simply use "viewpos" to get my coordinates. *shrugs*

Secondly, the map switch thing I fixed & I can tell you what it was, but not why it happened.

I had the mod installed in myjk2dir./gamedata/academy

Inside the academy folder was a "vm folder", a "academy.cfg", a "Description.txt", and a "dummy.pk3" (the pk3 was so I could load the mod from the 'mods' menu while in game)


Having it setup this way meant I could not change maps.

If I changed maps, the game "acted like" the mod unloaded.

I can't tell you why as I am not a programer.

I can tell you, however, that by placing the "vm folder" inside a new pk3 (named "academy.pk3") and deleting the "dummy.pk3", the mod werks fine when I switch maps. :D


Ok for the last thing, the cvar I stumbled on was by chance, when I was trying to see why the mod kept "unloading after a map switch". What I would do is, load the mod, then a map, exit to main menu, unload the mod (remember I was testing here), reload a map, then exit to main menu and reload the mod and a map (again plz remember I was trying to determine why when switching maps, the mod "acted as if it unloaded")

While doing this is when I stumbled across the cvar "g_useWhileThrowing". I'm assuming this cvar is part of academymod.


I hope this answered your questions, and I'd like to say since I pk3'd everything, I have no problems with this mod :)

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I've been able to solve the previous problem. There must've been some settings in the jk2mpconfig.cfg from the base folder it didn't like.


But; now I have an entirely different error. Here's a screenshot of the error on the console.

It happens whenever I restart a map with the mod running.

I downloaded the file from pcgamemods.com, could it have been a problem with the file I downloaded?


The mod loads up fine now, works perfectly, but dies apon a map restart.


Any ideas as to the solution?

I really like this mod, I hope that it may even be put into general use by my clan. :)

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I have stopped using academymod for the time being. Don't get me wrong, I love the mod, just I hate some of the bugs.


On a side-note, in the next version could you remove the teleport effect? I don't mean the 'actual teleport feature', just the 'beam effect'. Reason is, is that it has been known to cause massive drops in framerate on my server.

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