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Pet Taming and Breeding

Deft Aklin

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Black Dove, I thought we should start a thread for this. I didn't want Wraithy to get mad and move it, as the thread we were on was regarding Jedi.


Anyway, did you find anything on what kinds of creatures you will be able to raise, train and breed? I think it would be sooooo cool to breed, raise and train Rancors for a living. ;)


Anyone else? Any input, info or rumors about this?

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Well heres what swg.com says about it, although they don't say exactly what the species will be, most likely because there'll be about 50-100-even more species to train.


Creature Handler

This profession combines skills from both the combat and creature handling disciplines. A player in this profession can tame and train animals. A tamed animal can be sold to other players who have sufficient skill to control the creature.


4.23 Will SWG have skills for taming and training creatures?


Yes, we have designed a range of skills in the Creature Handling profession that allow players to tame, control, train and care for their creatures. Every creature has its own properties in each of these categories and as a result some will be more or less difficult to handle than others. A successful animal handler will discover the most desireable creatures that also have the best handling traits. [/Quote]


4.33 How does creature training work?

Players with the appropriate skills will be able to attempt to tame baby creatures they find in the wild. Taming will take a little time and the player must be careful not to spook the creature. After taming, the player can start training the creature to follow a set of verbal commands (again based on what skills the player knows). With practice the creature will learn to do what the player says and may even learn its name. Feeding your pet heals action and health wound damage as well as shock wound damage. Having your pet do “tricks” that you have taught them heals wounds and shock wounds from their mind pool.


Pets grow over time based on your success with them. Given enough effort, they can even grow larger than a normal member of their species usually found in the wild. It can take days, even weeks for some pets to grow to full size. As they grow, their stats will increase commensurately.

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I think you are right. Looks like something fun to pass the time.


"I want to raise Choco bu's, wait thius isn't FF is it?"


So they haven't listed any of the creatures yet I take it? I would assume that you would want to work your way up. Ie. Start by raising something harmless like ysillomari ;) and eventually build up to something larger, like a Wampa or Rancor.


I'm going to build an army of Rancors and unleash my fury on the Galaxy. :eek:

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Black Dove, maybe we can go into business together. I personally think that when I lose control of a Rancor I would like to have someone else there to back me up. ;)


"Oh no, Herman is loose!"

*places call*

"Yah, Helmet. Um, that Rancor you paid for. I think it's time you pick him up. He's ready. Well, if you want to pick him up, he should be making his way towards Mos Eisley right now."


So what do you think? Partners?

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Wraith, you always come up with the best pictures. Anyway, the danger of the job is what makes it so appealing, isn't it? It wouldn't be any fun if there were no danger.


"Yah, I raise Rancors. No. No, it's not a dangerous job, they are all declawed and toothless."


What fun would that be?

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Originally posted by Ingrown

Is it possible to eat what you breed/tame? I'd like to raise herd of "something" and just sell it like cattle.


Mmmm, dewback stew with taun-taun rib roast. I assume anyone pursuing this proffession will raise whatever they can find. BTW, BlackDove, you might want to consider starting out as a ranger as this is the best profession for finding whatever you plan to breed/raise. I think every profession will require a little cross-classing though.

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Originally posted by BlackDove

Most likely, although I'm assuming all the info you need will be presented either in the 100 page manual that they already put together or in the game itself. Hell it'll take me 1-2 hours do read the frappin manual before i start playing the thing...


Manual? Manual? I don need no stinkin manual.


What kind of man are you BlackDove? ;)


That big though? Seriously? Wow, I might actually have to read one of those stupid things? I normally just use the

Guess n' Click TM method.



Of course I normally piss off ten guys for accidentally killing them, and I doubt I'll have res scrolls to help them out either. :D

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Anyway, BD, what do you think about starting a little breeding business. After all, there are ten servers we can play on. We can try it on one. We would need a Ranger, a Creature Handler and probably someone business like. Could be profitable if we get the right creatures/employees.

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Originally posted by BlackDove

We could actually gather the pet breeders and have my clan (SSC) support it :D


What's with the whole clan thing anyway? This isn't the first time I have heard reference to them, what's it all about? (if more than one post is needed, then probably best to post on Off-Topic board)

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