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Big Clantournament


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... well Hi


I've been wondering a long time :confused: (three days)... witch clan is the best? is it BhW... is it TJEDI... is it SITH or maby GMJ... i dunno.

I wont ask anyone about it because they will only answer in their point of view... so im wondering if there has been a Tournament of some sort... and if it hasn't occured, it should!!!

An anual clan tournament would be very intresting i think.

(excuse my Poor grammer):o

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We have sites that do this for us. And I hate to say this but I've never heard of any of those clans you spoke of. SF is a great dueling/tffa FF/SO clan. We're a good TFFA/CTF FF/SO clan getting into CTF FF Guns. MOst of the REAL competitive clans that enjoy matches and battling are on these sites...




http://www.provinggrounds.com (though I think this ladder's dead)

http://www.caleague.com/?div=jk2 (now dead)


The problem is this. Lotsa clans in this game, no offense, are not into competition. They mostly get one FFA server then impliment all these RPGish rules. They all think they're really good, then they come to teamwarfare and find out they're not as good as they thought. And in competition ANYTHING goes. So alot of them tend to cry about chatkills and saber down kills, and kick whoring and this and that. So if you want to get into competition, join Teamwarfare. But I'm warning you now, and this isn't me being cocky, you're going to be in for a rude awakening. Most of the active clans on the ladder have been involved with it for some time. Most of the clans have also been together for a long time and know tactics and strategies that new clans to the ladder don't know. If you're going to join, I'd befriend a clan that's on the ladder and ask for some advice. Or atleast go to their respective servers and check out their game style. It's a totally different world then pubs.

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Like he ^ said, playing in leagues or ladders is nothing like playing on public servers.


You play to win at all costs. Chat kills, map exploits, bugs, whatever.


As far as one on one goes, if you’re playing Full Force duels, you better be prepared to fight a ten round non-stop Drain whoring marathon.


For team play, you sure as Hell better use voice communication like Roger Wilco or Team Speak.


As far as the *best player/team goes, that’s almost impossible to say because of all the different game types.


It also is hard to say because there were people who were totally unstoppable in certain patch versions but mediocre in others.

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i really didnt see it in the ways of Teamplay and Nonforce....well its just no end to this game is it??

As soon as you think you know the game there are tons of more styles.... i mean i've never heard of these competition clans... damn dude!!! I gotta play this game more often!!!


(i never play anything elese than no saber no force(because i get mad when you dont get a chance to do an honest fight ( in nother words i get my ass kicked))) :p


Well there should be a tournament for all diffrent styles nd mods... and i think that those of the clans that have a home server should set it up (just as in Q2)... and the winning clan of the tournament holds the tournament the next time.

(the winning clan does not participate so that every one can have a chance) enough naging!


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Originally posted by Taloon

... well Hi


I've been wondering a long time :confused: (three days)... witch clan is the best? is it BhW... is it TJEDI... is it SITH or maby GMJ... i dunno.

I wont ask anyone about it because they will only answer in their point of view... so im wondering if there has been a Tournament of some sort... and if it hasn't occured, it should!!!

An anual clan tournament would be very intresting i think.

(excuse my Poor grammer):o


Probably none of them.


Try looking up eF & 4J, not a point of view btw its based on games won and large ladders & tournaments.

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Try looking up eF & 4J, not a point of view btw its based on games won and large ladders & tournaments.


Wrong. That is a biased opinion. What ladders? What tournaments. When it comes to Guns FF CTF, DSbr (Darksaber) is the best there is. When it comes to FF TFFA, my clan {FK} is the best there is, with SF right behind us. And we have proof, not some statement made with no backing based on INTERCLAN wars. Here's our proof.




TWL TDM (TFFA) Sabers and Force Top 10

Jedi Outcast TDM Sabers Ladder


Rank Team Record (Llamas) Status

1 The Fallen Knights {FK} 6 / 0 - (0) Open

2 Sanguis Frater SF 5 / 1 - (0) Def v. Wanders of the Vanquilshed Jed (TBD)

3 Fellowship of the Saber {FotS} 11 / 3 - (0) Def v. REspected Killars (TBD)

4 The mortal Fist Gurkas TMFJK 1 / 3 - (0) Def v. Jedi Pimp Society (1/18)

(Star Destroyer, Death Star, Bespin Streets)

5 Jedi Pimp Society *JPS* 0 / 2 - (0) Att v. The mortal Fist Gurkas (1/18)

(Star Destroyer, Death Star, Bespin Streets)

6 REspected Killars {R-K} 2 / 0 - (0) Att v. Fellowship of the Saber (TBD)

7 Wanders of the Vanquilshed Jed <|WoV|> 0 / 0 - (0) Att v. Sanguis Frater (TBD)

8 Grand Master's Royal Guard [GMRG] 0 / 0 - (0) Open

9 Olympus - Home of The Gods [OS] 1 / 0 - (1) Open

10 Defenders Of Justice ]DoJ[ 1 / 2 - (1) Open



We have a saying on the TheForce.net forums. PPOR. Post Proof or Retract. Saying those clans are the best when they're not even on a major ladder is ridiculous. And if you wanna see the outcomes of our matches, just go here...


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yes there is and there are euro teams on teamwarfare. TMF (The Mortal Fist) is a euro clan that's considered one of if not THE best Euro clan and look at their record. You guys don't know anything about competition. About ladders and the like. I was just on a CTF server where there was bitching about suicide. STILL. You all preach about honor and codes and chatkills and the like but when it comes down to serious competition those doing the bitching end up the losers. So don't ask about clan tournaments and ladders and leagues if you're not ready to bare the brunt of what it entails. Those clans that have "saber down = no attack" rules on their FFA servers come into TWL thinking their tough crap, and they end up leaving embarassed. Ask BotF. They talk a good game on their forums and servers. They thought they were the best, and they challenged us on the TWL ladder. Guess what happened to them? They got their arse's handed to them 89 to 9 and 69 to 19, a straight 2 map sweep. We've played many of the supposed best of europe and when it comes down to it they don't have the tactics we do. They don't use everything the game allows. Honor, codes, and the like have no place in competition. Heck all you anti-scriptor's will be hella pissed to know that ALL major competition ladders/leagues/tourney's ALLOW scripts. Since this game has no aimbots to worry about, ALLS FAIR!


Don't preach to me that there is a world outside of the US because we've ventured out of it and owned there too. Besides the point I was making was that he made a statement saying those two clans were the best which is a TOTAL opinion yet he says it in a way that it's fact. They're not even close to the team organization that we and DSbr have, let alone the rest of the clans on the TWL, XTGL, OGL etc. And CAL's JK2 never got off the ground so don't base statements on regional lan tourneys. We play the world and we've yet to be beaten.

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imp was/is an admin w/ some league. Maybe it was CAL or something else. I need to ask him.

TWL is cool, but the interface/challenge system is VERY newbie-unfriendly.

I think that is 1/2 the reason you see so many stagnant non-active players on the 1v1 ladders.

They can't figure out what to do.

jk2l looks very promising, but time will tell.

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Clanbase aint regional, its the biggest clan ladder site in the world...


My post is just as valid as yours, I neglected the US and you neglected europe. As far as I know there haven't been too many matches between the top clans from each.


btw, noone mentioned role playing clans, they aren't even a factor in this thread, also I may have only mentioned the top european clans because that is where most of my knowledge is but at least I didn't make up things just to try and prove a point, your knowledge of what I was talking about is obviously severly limited.


I really think you just misunderstood a european point of view for someone who plays on 3 public sabercode servers talking crap or something. I dont understand that stuff at all, I only know it seems fairly unique to JK2.

Trust me those are fairly well respected and talented clans in their own right as are the ones you mentioned from the team warfare league.

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Originally posted by Xenoeye

Clanbase aint regional, its the biggest clan ladder site in the world...


My post is just as valid as yours, I neglected the US and you neglected europe. As far as I know there haven't been too many matches between the top clans from each.


btw, noone mentioned role playing clans, they aren't even a factor in this thread, also I may have only mentioned the top european clans because that is where most of my knowledge is but at least I didn't make up things just to try and prove a point, your knowledge of what I was talking about is obviously severly limited.


I really think you just misunderstood a european point of view for someone who plays on 3 public sabercode servers talking crap or something. I dont understand that stuff at all, I only know it seems fairly unique to JK2.

Trust me those are fairly well respected and talented clans in their own right as are the ones you mentioned from the team warfare league.


Two questions:


Who is considered the "best" full Force Duel player in the UK/Euro community?

I have played some of the "elite" but I really am curious who is generally considered to be the #1 player.


Same goes for clans.

What team is considered to have the best full Force saber only line-up?


Thanks in advance.

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

One of the German dudes that break was talking about.


flisk and saber|st are the two best I've seen, but considering that I can beat them w/ a ping of 170 when they are pinging around 50 I doubt they are the best around.


I admit I have lost to both of them, but it happens rarely.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

I would go w/ Swift. Unfortunately, he IS European.

That was my thought as well, but I'm not sure if he plays on any ladders over there.

I would lay money on it that he is one of if not the best U.K. FF player, but when you include German players, I'm not sure.


I've seen some guys tear it up on McLeod’s server.

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I remember having my ass hand3d to me in small portions by saber|st... it was funny watching the other two guys on the server get all bitchy and startin to call him a drain whore...


They'd call him a lamer a loser and all the nifty lilttle internet pimple squeezer new-insult thingies and get dairned/cut in half within a minute or so.... what a riot.

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Originally posted by ksk h2o

I remember having my ass hand3d to me in small portions by saber|st... it was funny watching the other two guys on the server get all bitchy and startin to call him a drain whore...


They'd call him a lamer a loser and all the nifty lilttle internet pimple squeezer new-insult thingies and get dairned/cut in half within a minute or so.... what a riot.


Yeah he's funny. When we play he changes his name to Lamer|st because he knows I can "cheap" far worse than he does. He's a cool guy though.

On maps like temple he gives me a little trouble when he goes Light side and does this "pull throw then strafe jump around the map until time runs out" thing. My strafe jumping kind of blows so I have to drill him w/ level 2 lightning and drain for 10 minutes.


On smaller maps I tear him up pretty fast and he usually reconnect drops me...


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