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Secret Civs Thread!


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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Kryllith- they should be SP only because they wouldn't need to be balanced.

Simple enough, don't worry about balancing them. Tell people upfront that they are NOT equal powerwise from the outset and are meant to be used as a fun civ. Once told, people who trying playing ewoks 1 vs 1 MP (or similar odds) against a regular civ and complain about being weak will just get laughed out of discussions anyway.


Shouldn't limit it to simply sp though. In addition to an all ewok mp game, I'd also enjoy playing mixed numbers ewoks vs. regular civ (say, 3 people playing ewoks vs. 1 person playing a regular civ)... on either side.



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Fair enough I guess Smugglers and Hutts would be different in some ways.


And I'd much sooner see a Jawa or Tusken civ than an "actual Hutt" civ. I agree with Sith in that "mini" civs which we see in the campaigns (Jawas, Tuskens, Ewoks, Trandoshans, maybe even Bursas) are prime candidates for secret civs. So my vote for the two civs would be Ewoks and Jawas (since we have seen a lot of Jawa culture and stuff).

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It seems we've finally proved that Vostok has no concept of fun. :eek::(


The whole point of the secret civs is to have something that's ridiculous, comical, unbalanced (generally underpowered) and a lot of fun to play. The Ewoks and "True Hutts" fit this bill perfectly.

I mean, where's the fun in playing an underpowered civ that isn't particularily exciting or comical? Or if you use an overpowered one, it'd be just like using cheats.

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I resent that Corran.


How is what I suggested "not fun", not "particularly exciting", or "overpowered"?


I'm merely stating my preferences for secret civs. Jawas would be just as "comical" as Ewoks. I'd just prefer them to Hutts, which wouldn't particularly excite me. If Hutts do it for you, that's fine, but not me.

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Oh, well, I just thought that was the point. Stupidly amusing civs (eg. Ewoks throwing stones at stormtroopers) seem to be what we're looking for.


-Finish the Game to see them and play with them

-Not really balanced

-Only available in Single Player

-Just for FUN civs!


Just for FUN civs is the main point here, and I think that comical is always more fun. After all, the Jawas sound more like a serious civ choice (or as units for Windu's old idea of a Tatooine civ...).

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lol a hutt in a fighter


it would be good but the kamino have a better chance at being a civ than the hutts do. and no im not saying they should be a civ.


hutts definately for a secret civ they could be traders and missions in the game.


yeah and ewoks being weaker will be upsetting for those ewok fans well if they do turn it into a proper civ im sure they could make up stuff like they did for some other untis that were not in the movies.


how about instead of ewok using aa missiles they through spears and have a mobile spear missile system hitting air units lol


but i dont think it is official but a great idea.


but i would rather more diversity in the other civs then have secret civs.

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I think that the Jawa/Tusken civs would be great. Usable in the campaigns as well as fun to play. And no need for balance or making sure that they have units that dont fit (like air/mechs). Corran, the Smugglers/Hutts also fit in this category.


The three secret civs should be:

1. Ewoks

2. Smugglers/Hutt Cartel

3. Tatoonie/Jawa/Tusken


Oh, you mean player-made campaigns. But I thought they'd be able to be used as a civ.

No I meant in the real campaigns. You'd probably never play as them or fight solely secret civs, but they will still be in the campaigns. Example: When the Endor Scenerio(s) are being made, they can just use an Ewok civ as the Rebsally, instead of having to do complex triggers.

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Oh, I think I understand it now. When you unlock the secret civs, you can play as them in the campaign missions instead of the normal civ. Is that right?


Smugglers Union and Hutt Cartel by no means should be secret civs. They're perfectly suited for balanced civs and are among the most prominent EU civs. Would you put the New Republic as a secret civ?

There's plenty of material on them, they'd make perfect enemies and great, balanced civs. Keep them as normal civs! Please!

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I think Sith means this (and this is how I think they should work anyway):


At the moment in SWGB1 in the Endor level there are Ewoks who are the Rebel's ally. In the scenario editor you can get Ewok Warriors, Ewok Healers, Ewok Hang-gliders, Ewok Catapults, Ewok Huts and Ewok Military Buildings, and most if not all of these appear in the Endor. If secret civs came into being, all of the things I listed above would be buildable and playable like a real civ, only not balanaced and pretty underpowered. And that civ would be seen as a "proper" civ being an ally in the Endor level.


You probably wouldn't be able to replay the Endor level as the Ewoks instead of the Rebels. They would operate exactly as they do now, except when you unlock them you can actually play as them in multiplayer games.


I don't know if I'd like to see the Tuskens and Jawas forced into the one civ. They don't even get along, let alone join forces. Tuskens by themselves would be pretty boring though. But Jawas you could have Ranged Jawas, Melee Jawas, Sandcrawlers, and maybe some wacky explosive droids or something.

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Oh, right. Let me see if I understand it:

If it took place in the current GB, in the Endor level the Ewok Huts etc. would be able to actually produce Ewoks, Ewok Gliders, Ewok Catapults, and so on.

Is this right?


Yeah, Tuskens and Jawas together sounds bad, and so do Tuskens in general.

Hey, I can see how the Jawas could be cool. Maybe they could build Jawa Droidbuilders, who create droids from resources (eg. a metal-like resource), and then the droids can be modified by Jawa Tinkerers to explode, or have blasters, or have melee weapons, and so on.

That'd be fun! You'd have whole armies of these crazy droids, all with different abilities... :D

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