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Secret Civs Thread!


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Well the secret civs don't HAVE to be useful for campaigns but I think it makes them more attractive to the developers since they would be making Ewoks and Jawas for the campaigns anyway why not allow them to be playable. I think that's the reasoning Sithmaster follows as well.


Besides I think Jawas would be more fun to play than LucasArts nerds, even if they don't look as wacky.

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I'm pretty sure I'm with Sith on the computer-controlled secret civs issue. Although I acknowledge that it would be fun, and as a gamer I would love it, we also need to consider the difficulties the developers would face.


But this is also yet another reason why secret civs should be allowed in multiplayer. Otherwise, there's no way you'd ever be able to fight against the secret civs, or be allied with them, or do anything with them apart from be them.

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I see what you're getting at. Making Ewoks playable by anyone other than the player in single player would require the Ewoks to have their own AI written. Well I think it would be worth it. The secret civs aren't little add-ons a the last minute, I imagine them to be like the secret characters in Super Smash Brothers for N64. Basically after you unlocked them they were just another character. The difference I see between Secret Civs and Secret Characters is that the Secret Characters are properly balanced with the normal characters, whereas the Secret Civs don't need to be balanced, though they should be made under-powered on purpose. So the AI writing shouldn't be seen as just an extra add-on, it is a proper part of the game.

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Corran, they're in the editor. There will be a basic AI written for them for editor use, but it can't handle the heavy-duty stuff in RM. In multi, once again, there's the editor. In RM/DM/Turbo, they have to be banned, but scenerios are still fair game, since the designer is not at fault for unbalanced scenerios.

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But what if the good people at LucasArts do take the time to fully develop it as a secret civ, so it is balanced enough for Multiplayer games? I suppose it all depends on what else they do, for example if they have a whole heap of civs to do the balancing for I'd be okay with letting Ewoks be only a single player thing. But if they only have the eight existing civs, it would probably be worth giving the secret civs proper playability.

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Sith: Yes, but what's the point of having them in the editor when it's quite possible to let them be used in multi RM/DM/whatevers?


We've been over this before. Considering that the secret civs aren't meant to be balanced (Vostok, sorry, but I think they should be just-for-fun and unbalanced), there's nothing wrong with being allowed to use them in all kinds of standard games (single and multi-player).

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Its not just balance. They are supposed to be dramatically different i.e. have none of the current unit "sets", which is also kinda bad.


Just a note on balancing: SP players tend to prescibe balancing like a fast-acting miracle drug (i.e. Windu and the gunship). Not every thing can be balanced, and things that seem balanced apon release may end up being unbalanced in the hands of the general public.

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Sith: Of course, they are dramatically different. Of course, it's not about balance at all. Nothing in GB2 will have the current unit "sets," as Vostok said... so I think your argument is kinda, um, gone.


Something I need to get through to you, Sith: Not everything has to be balanced, secret civs foremost among these!


Vostok: Why not balance them? Because there's no reason to, and that would detract from their fun. The whole 'balanced secrets' is far more suited to something like Super Smash Bros Melee than GB2, and I've always been designing these with unbalance in mind. Just-for-fun, crazy, unbalancd, and so on. That's what the secret civs are all about.

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How can it be a 'loophole' or 'exploitable' if they're designed to be unbalanced? I just can't seem to understand what the big issue is. They're not meant to be balanced! If a gamer finds a loophole which enables a certain Ewok group to take down an AT-AT, well, hooray for the gamer! But anyway, I don't think such things will happen- they will be unbalanced with a purpose, not just thrown in with a mishmash of stats and no organisation.

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actually...it is possible for ewoks to beat an AT-AT.

since AT-ATs are weak vs melee units, ewoks with spears can take down an AT-AT...but not without difficulty.


Secret civs will be unbalanced but yet well organized:


-Ewoks slinger: 10hp 1 attack 0 armor




ewok catapult: 40 hp 4 attack 1 armor(it's still wood.....)


and gliders: 2 hp 6 attack 0 armor


that way it's not disorganized like giving a slinger 60 hp and a catapult 10 hp....

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Luke's dad: Yeah, that's the kind of stuff I was thinking of. But could we make them a little better? After all, we want it to be unbalanced crazy fun, but not on the lines of "a balanced civ's worker can destroy a starting ewok base".


SWPhreak: That's kind-of the point. But as I said to Luke, I don't want them to die instantly. They could be strangely resistant to blasters, or be excellent against ground mechs (the Empire's specifically), or something to make them fun.

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