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Secret Civs Thread!


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That IS what they do in their free time, Luke's dad. :p


But I think Ewoks should use either massed tactics (hordes of Ewok warriors) or commando tactics (elite Ewoks making ambushes). I think the latter would be more fun, but it's far more complicated than the former. Any opinions?

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Ewoks slinger: 10hp 1 attack 0 armor


It would take about 10 ewoks to take out a trooper.


ewok catapult: 40 hp 4 attack 1 armor(it's still wood.....)


regular troopers can crush this.


gliders: 2 hp 6 attack 0 armor


I guess that's ok... as long as the enemy doesn't have a 1 man air force that could wipe them all out....



I know you're gonna say it's a secret civ not to be balanced, but those are jus pitiful. If it was like that, then the devs will have wasted their time on it.

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1 attack is way low ow that I think about it. 4 is fine but I think it should have about 15hp(regular slinger recruit) with upgrades it should be ok.


We should also incorporate an ewok spearman unit or melee unit that randomly has either an axe or a spear. They could be the first unit you acquire along with the slinger recruit(or a better name). It could be just like the mounty is now good vs a certain types of units.

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Well let's start as I always do by looking at the movies:


I think the Ewoks would need a "Trapper" or something that sets traps. You could set a Trooper-trap (like a net that is good vs Troopers), a Mech-trap (like huge logs to smash them which are good vs Mechs) and maybe even an Air-trap (no idea what this could be, but it is probably necessary).


Also, what about having a unit like those Ewoks that went with Chewbacca to take control of the AT-ST? They'd have to run up to a Mech and after a time they get to control the mech or something. It's a bit like converting but you'd lose the original Ewok, and converting will probably work differently in SWGB2 anyway.

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I like the "Trapper" unit, but I think there needs to be a bit more emphasis on ambushing and the like- that's basically the main tenet of the civ's military force, and it should be represented as so.


The "mech conversion" power sounds pretty good, but we shouldn't really worrying about balancing. After all, it's a secret civ. Maybe that could be something that makes the Ewoks really cool- a large group of a particular "Converter" unit could take over any opposing mech force!

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First I think in SWGB2 we should have multiple pop costs for mechs, so you would need the same amount of mech-stealers as the unit costs in population. For an AT-AT I see this as being about 8.

As a way to balance things out (but Corran's right, we don't strictly need balance) I think the eight mech-stealers would need to stay in contact with the mech for a few seconds, then you lose the mech-stealers permanently but gain the mech. I also think (because after a while the Ewoks probably push a wrong button) the mech dies. So you only get the mech for a limited time (but that time would be substantial) and you lose your mech-stealers during conversion.


As for trappers, each trapper might be able to set three traps, and you can specify whether you want a troop-trap or a mech-trap (if anyone can think of a reasonable idea for an air trap, then one of those too). After they have placed all their traps the operate like a normal Ewok Warrior, though probably slightly weaker.

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Multiple pop costs for mechs sounds fine, but I don't think you should need to sacrifice 8 Ewok Converters to grab one AT-AT for a limited time.

Put like that, doesn't it seem a little silly to anyone else?

I think it would take around 6 to convert an AT-AT, and if they succeed there's a funny little animation where two of them die (they fall off the underbelly and get trodden on by the AT-AT or something), and the rest have to remain inside the mech (in the same way that you carry troops) for it to operate.


About trappers: I think that sounds kinda good, but I'd appreciate more than three traps. Alternatively, you could build a "Troop Trapper Ewok" and a "Mech Trapper Ewok," and they could each have 3 of their trap.

There are plenty of ways you could do an air trap. The Ewoks could stretch a camouflaged net between trees, or make a natural slingshot in the crook of a tree (to be activated by another animal friend when a ship comes near), and so on. Remember, it doesn't have to make sense!

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I think it should be one is all that is necassary, but it takes longer and you lose the Ewok after it is infiltrated. I don't think that the Ewoks should lose the mech after a while.


Also, I don't think the trapper should be a separate unit. Instead, whatever unit that builds for the Ewoks should also be able to build traps. And there shouldn't be different traps for different units, maybe certain traps are just strong and thus more expensive than the other traps?

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Nah, I'd rather 4-6 ewoks to convert, but you get to keep most of them and the mech doesn't die. Makes sense...


And why would you want a worker as a trapper? Workers will be terrible in battle, and a 'dedicated' trapper would be far better at his/her job- you could make them fast or stealthy so that they could lay their traps and get out of there.


What's wrong with different traps? It makes more sense. You have a trap that's good against troopers and half-decent against mechs, and you have a more expensive trap that's great against mechs, but not cost-effective against troopers.

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