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when you find a new figure tell us here

daring dueler

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thats cool, well, you need kit, luke, plus the newest figs , the ultra, but you ordered them.


i still need the new clone wars, the concept, the ultras, dignitary 2, and the newest stuff. btw katarn , did you veer find the emperor?


btw, cool youll be on aim, ill try and be sure io am on. so do you have glocoma?

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I gotta get my eyes retested in another two weeks I guess.


Forgot about Palpy and even Vader (recarded). Add those to the list:


Luke Hoth

Emperor Palpatine


Kit Fisto


Great sig as well; saw the SNL marathon on Sunday and got to see Celeb Jeopardy with Robin Williams, Catherine Zeta Jones, and Sean Connery.


EDIT: This just in. KB Toys had the Ultra Figures and a pair of Yellow Clones. Passed up the Ultra Figures since they're on their way, but got the clones (one to leave in, one to take out, got some droids to leave in as well) and even the new TIE which was reduced :)

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yes, it is a great sig!



btw, when did you find luke, vader, palpy, fisto, all at the same time, or forgot to post it?



well, i will hit my kb tomarrow i guess, well katarn, it seems as though you are in the lead once again, btu i feel like im gonna get lucky soon.


btw, good luck wiith the eyes, but look at the bright side, medicinal marijuana, youll beeing yousing your paper for rolling doobies!hahaha, yeah well, hope it all turns out.


good finds i guess, (damn katarn).

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Originally posted by Katarn07

That's what everyone said about the marijuana :p


I don't have Luke, Kit, Palpy, or Vader. That's my list of needed figures..... This is turning into spam so I'll just stop posting here unless I need to tell about new finds or comment on one of yours.


Meh, you smoking pot is more important than collecting at the moment. :p

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i got-

new 12" gardinan wave-online

a snowtrooper

-clone wars kit fisto

-clone wars seasse tiin

(no clone trooper :( )

i ordered 2 concept troopers, and monday i am ordering 3 clones

-new ultra c-3p0 with pod and general reiken (no wampa

:( )

- and thats all i can think of now......i think thats it, but! my mom said she got other new figures and refuses to tell me.

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I got the Ultra Figures. Wampa and Reiken are the coolest, C-3P0's pod is ok but the figure is kinda sucky. Rubbery plastic, not even golden, and the weathering is awful. Also, his limbs pop off really easily (and go back on just as easily fortunately).


I can't wait to get that Luke to hang upside down! The Wampa is so cool! I got him next to the PotF2 Wampa because I like them both to much to seperate from the Hoth display :D


Oh, also I got another McQuarrie Stormie since the one I found had a kinda crappy package. I took the other one out and put him next to the PotF2 Comtech Chip Stormie for comparison.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That Hoth Luke is awesome, its probally the best Luke out. I have my Wampa and Luke sitting on top of my PC right now. Hehehe good luck finding one! It was only luck that I found mine. Plus for X-mas i bought me a Hail Fire Droid and Lambda Shuttle. HFD off of Cloud City and Lambda off of KB Toys. The Lambda Shuttle is awesome too. If you have the money you should get it, its worth it.

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Oh, Also:


Jedi Padawan 2 Pack

Clone Troopoer with Speeder


I also saw Durge with Speeder and Clone Trooper 3 pack with yellow clone at Toys R' Us, but I picked up neither of them. :(



What else I got for Christmas: :D


Warcraft III: Frozen Throne

Diablo Battlechest

MP3/CD Player

Lion King DVD

Simpsons Hit and Run

Sum of all Fears

Gameboy Player

Mario Golf

Tony Hawk Underground

Double Bladed Lightsaber

Candy. ^_^

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Sorry I haven't been on here lately. After Christmas, I went up to a wedding in Wisconsin right by the upper peninsula of Michigan and stayed for a few days. Then all this week I had to help take down tiles in my bathroom since we're redoing the shower. And the worst news of this post: my room is next to that bathroom and every figure without a stand fell over that is on that wall :mad:


For 80 dollars off eBay, I got a 12" Custom General Kenobi on speeder bike. Looks pretty cool, huh? :) And yes, all those figures laying in the backround are just a few of those that fell....

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zappa-o welcome to the colecting boards, your the first guy here who seems to know what your talking about, and yes, me and katarn have the shuttle.


well recently i finally found the han, at-st driver, and lando skiff at tru...finally, also finalaly anakin on spdeeder at christmas.


and now for something completely different..

new stuff

-luke jedi knight


-r2 with drink tray

- and all the animated figures

- and finally another luke hoth and a wampa

- second hoth trooper

-and boba fett repackage

thats all for now i guess(btw that was at target)


for chirstmas i got xbox games, and star wars , mostly old stuff we fo8und i couldnt have yet. but i was happy with my clone wars kit fisto and seassee tiin. no clone or concept, yet, but i did order them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by daring dueler

had it been that figure, i never would have given it to him, ever.

umm, but yes katarn, you are way behind;)


No, I'm not. I'm on top of it all....


Hmm, what's this 'Luke Hologram' figure I keep seeing on eBay? :p


The newest series I saw advertised was Dengar, Bossk, and my favorite of the set, the late Admiral Ozzel :D

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