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where to download beta


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Well welcome to SWgalaxies.net


Now i realy am congratulating you. but i hate to say you are on the wrong site :D

this a fan site and are fan forums. you are welcome to hang around ofcourse... but i think you have to be here:



and the E-mail ardres to Sony is:



at least... that is the e-mail adres for SWG.

i hope this helped you in any way.. and i hope you get your CD.


-Wraith 8-

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If we knew where to get the CD and or download the beta off of the net, we would probably either be......


a) Beta testers, in which we would not share the info due to the required agreement.

b)Playing ourselves.

c)Not share it with you so we don't get the beta tester that gave us the information illegally in trouble.

d)Any combination of the above.


Just some thoughts. ;)


IMHO, if I were a beta tester, the info given to me would be held in the highest regard. Under no circumstances would the papers, emails or hardcopy information ever be lost.

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Sad to say....I was just poking around on KaZaA the other day, and found that people actually have allowed file transfer of their beta copy....I'm not sure if its really SWG, but it shows up on the search as a big file that is "Star Wars Galaxies Beta".....thats sad :( I'm pretty sure if you downloaded it you couldn't play.....but I wouldn't even want to download it....thats not cool

My friends downloaded WC3 beta, and some guy set up a hacked beta server to play it on.....ugh. Just wait till the 15th, or till you get accepted to beta....Anyhoo, if I find out you've downloaded a beta...i shall ......nevermind :)

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/agree Jared


How the hell do they get these guys? Names out of a hat? When there are prime candidates like Wraith, Sidious, you and me who take Beta testing very seriously. Just a few minutes invested on the msg boards and you can see who are good candidates. I know it's not perfect (I'm a Software Test Manager myself), but come on...


Mad Mardigan

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Originally posted by MadMardigan

/agree Jared


How the hell do they get these guys? Names out of a hat? When there are prime candidates like Wraith, Sidious, you and me who take Beta testing very seriously. Just a few minutes invested on the msg boards and you can see who are good candidates. I know it's not perfect (I'm a Software Test Manager myself), but come on...


Mad Mardigan


Thanks for the compliment MM. As far as checking the message boards, I don't think they check this one, unfortunately. If you want to get noticed you have to go on the main message boards. As of yet, I don't think I can tolerate most of the incompetent bufoons on those forums. I spent an hour on their after I finished reading the FAQ in it's entirity and found most of them to be whiny little children griping about their inability to attain Force Sensitivity. I am tired of hearing the babies weep over there. That is why I am here. I enjoy the company of folks like Wraith, Jared, Thew and the rest. There is a great group of people on this forum, even if we don't always agree. It's human nature to argue a little every now and again. At least we all agree, WE LOVE STAR WARS!

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In addition to my list of favorite people, sorry I forgot you, I must include Jan and BlackDove. Every now and then we get a straggler from somewhere else who just talks out his arse, but the people that frequent this board are people of good intelligence and integrity. To the best of my knowledge at least.


Hey Mad Mardigan, I think Jan and Wraith forgot so......



Imitation Moderator, not to be confused with the real deal. ;)


If they already hit you up, just remember, avoid the Gnorts (sp?). ;)


Remember, your input is always appreciated by us at these boards. Discussion of different opinions and issues is what we come here for.

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I agree, Sidious, as much as I would like to get noticed for Beta on the boards on the main site, the moron's constantly jockying for "first" post after a developer post keep me from ever using their system. Lol, any site that can have 3 pages of posts 2 min after the topic goes up is just too big and full of numbskulls.


(pssst, how are we going to keep this board from getting intolerably popular too? lol)



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Hey Mad Mardigan, I think Jan and Wraith forgot so......

You know, I think you're right. How careless of me.


To Madmadigan:


Welcome to the SWGalaxies.Net Forum!!! :)


I'm Jan Gaarni, one of the Welcomming Committee.


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will like it here.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn. :p


Also be sure to check out the SWGalaxies.Net site which is connected to these forums. :)


We hope you enjoy your stay here on the SWGalaxies.Net Forums. :)




and your right tho... the official forums are loaded with mindless people. I hear Jan goes there very often

Yes. I hear the same about you, Wraith. :D

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hmmmm... i see i havent read well.. i need more sleep than 2 hours per day :p


so Mad Mardigan:


Welcome to



Hi im Wraith 8 your local Moderator.

Please Read this before you post!

If you have any problems what so ever, send a Private Message to me.


Here you have your welcome gift to the forums :D:

*gives a large box full of Chocolate Gnorts*


I hope to see you around more :D


And Jan... i only posted like.... a total of... 5 times :p


C ya


-Wraith 8-

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Well thank god, I downloaded the SWGB.exe from kazaa just to see if it's real and it isn't. That's just a renamed Empire Earth - from Sierra. While I was downloading I thought about how it isn't at all possible that you actually use a downloaded thing because it's online and most likely monitored.


If it were real, I'd report it to one of the devs so they know what to expect. First time I'm glad a file is fake :)

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Good to know. I would hate to think what might have happened to the idiot......actually, I'd love to have seen what would have happened to the idiot that would have wasted such a great opportunity such as beta testing SWG. ;)

All for what? A little poularity....as brief as it would be.

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