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where to download beta


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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

I think he/she would be looking at a heftig lawsuit right about now. ;):p


Check out the post about Admin answers, it's pretty funny....


"We can't really discuss any breaches of contract, but we can say that these issues have been turned over to our legal department.", or something along those lines.

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Thanks for the welcome everyone! I could tell this is the place I want to be from reading the first few random posts when I found the site.


We shall share the three months of misery/anticipation/excitement together and when the countdown is concluded this site will become a great place to share stories, tips, and lots of information that will make the SWG experience even that much better!


May The Force Be With You!



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Ya, I've seen the SWG Beta on Kazaa too. A friend of mine tried to download it but when he finished, it was really avirus and his computer crashed. Lost everything on his harddrive. Including his *cough*porn collection*cough*


It was really pathetic. i told him it wasn't real, but nobody listens to me.....

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