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Unnamed Jed1

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

Hell yes, I would choose the bryar over the repeater everytime if facing a repeater or bryar user.


Argh! I *knew* someone would say that the moment I had posted it!


...was just trying to make a point...as you know.


But let me rephrase:


If you notice that your opponent is wounded or does not have as much shields as you do, you must use explosives or jump down from great heights in order to lower you hp and shields so that the upcoming fight would be honourable.


There. Much better, yes?


I like the bryar too. :)

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all I have to put my mind to rest after seeing that site is the known fact they their normal daily real life must be a complete hell. I think these guys need girlfreinds, or to be beaten harder in school by their assigned bully.

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they probably would have a hard time getting their hands on me since when I play basejk I use a blank name, am invisible most of the time (for people not using seeing) and kick non stop.


but It would definitely make my day to run into these clowns...


fortunately and unfortunately these things dont exist in promod universe :D

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Originally posted by ksk h2o

they probably would have a hard time getting their hands on me since when I play basejk I use a blank name, am invisible most of the time (for people not using seeing) and kick non stop.


but It would definitely make my day to run into these clowns...


fortunately and unfortunately these things dont exist in promod universe :D


I usually use a blank name and go to random FFA servers and time how long it takes for them the kick me... It's rather entertaining. I was at the CFA server yesterday and up against 4 of their clanners...well, needless to say, they died. I was labeled a "lamer," and when the admin got on he said " come here fag, after I kick your ass I'm gonna ban you." Well...luckily for me, I'm not a noob and although the whole idiot server ganged up on me, I managed to kill them all...again. Of course, I was kicked...oh well. Similar things happen to me on the AP, BS and FotS servers... it's very gratifying to enter one of these so-called servers and be kicked 4-5 times every 3 hours...

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Hehe.... I can just see them throwing their tantrum at you. Plus if the admin doesn't know how to kick with a client number (not surprising since most admins seem to be about nine years old these days) he'll be having a hell of a time figuring out the correct color combination and spaces in your name :D

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Keep looking, man. Don't you dare give up!


I bet they're on European servers.. British perhaps? I think I've seen some [RED]'s and I never play on US-servers because of my crappy ping. Maybe there's some info on the site UJ linked?


Good luck. You'll find them....you'll find them. :D

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Originally posted by Break_dF

I was at the CFA server yesterday and up against 4 of their clanners...well, needless to say, they died. I was labeled a "lamer," and when the admin got on he said " come here fag, after I kick your ass I'm gonna ban you." Well...luckily for me, I'm not a noob and although the whole idiot server ganged up on me, I managed to kill them all...again. Of course, I was kicked


Yes funny how some people that have a big mouth are not as good when it comes to the fight, especially FOUR of them :D I'd say they need a little bit more practice.

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Originally posted by Unnamed Jed1

I screw with people and trash talk like a drunken sailor.

That said it is just in fun, much in the way a comedian screws with his audience. I have never meant a person harm or gone so far as to insult people with racial slurs or religious defamation.


I would be ok with that but I'd mostly watch what I say as certain people would probably get really pissed off about it and either gang up on me or kick me or some other stupid thing over it. Although it might not be bad being ganged up on maybe IF you can win them :) or at least if your outgunned take it like a man. Or avoid that situation in the first place.

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I'm afraid I can't say the same Unnamed, if I comment on someone's excessive swearing (because they are losing badly), I have been called a "Dumbass Jew" on more than one occasion. Even though i'm not Jewish, I find this comment EXTREMELY offensive.


People who come out with this kind of comment should be removed from the gene pool in the most painful way possible.

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Don't wanna be the odd one out here but someones gotta back these guys up and speak on their behalf :)


What have you got against roleplaying ? Its not hurting you, just leave em be, its what seperates this game from all the mindless killing. Enforcing their law on eny server they're in is a bit dumb, and so they should be creamed for this. Policing 'honourable' rules servers can be quite fun. It gets to a stage that with all the exploits available it becomes hard not to win and gets boring, so you need something to do. I'm not saying I'm amazing or anything like that, and I'm possitive that you people that spout off about being the best could beat me anytime, but don't tell me I wouldn't at last hit yah once :)


I think you're missing the primary aim of these guys. Its not to upset people. Its mainly to stand up for n00bs which get picked on, end up quitting the game and the community shrinking. They don't have to kill you to stop you laming, just get you chasing after em to stop you laming everyone else :)


My god I sound like such a goody goody, but like I said, someones gotta stand up for em.


Hope to see you on CTF servers again Detritic, you played a good game if you remember me [JCC]Kainite-JM :D

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Originally posted by Kainite

I think you're missing the primary aim of these guys. Its not to upset people. Its mainly to stand up for n00bs which get picked on, end up quitting the game and the community shrinking. They don't have to kill you to stop you laming, just get you chasing after em to stop you laming everyone else :)



Yeah but define "laming".

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there's nothing that we are misunderstanding about this group. no one here said that it should be illegal for someone to create their own server and run an rpg. rpg's are fine and okay... pending you're not on a PUBLIC server playing a DEATHMATCH game where not EVERYONE is coming on to the server EXPECTING an rpg. If the server actually says "hey, we're all going to talk and have honourable fights", that's cool. but if it's just public, playing vanilla jk, with all options enabled, no one has the right to go about crying "lamer" and make it a life goal to kick people.


The truth of the matter is this.


R.E.D., regardless of what skill they have, is certainly not the best out there. In fact, the best players out there can beat four of them at the same time apparently. R.E.D. is more like a sad attempt at compensating for the fact that they are mediocre players at best, and when the competition gets hot, they don't like losing. What is a "lame" tactic? I can understand someone saying lame if I were to use a game bug that obviously wasn't meant to be part of the game and it gives me some horrible advantage over everyone else, but as far as I know, there are no advantageous bugs in 1.04. In fact, 1.04, regardless of whether I particularly like the gameplay or not, is a very solid game, and you gotta play it the way it's gotta be played. Obviously, R.E.D. cannot handle this fact, and so they attach lame to any person who doesn't agree with their code, but just so happens to be capable of whipping the snot out of them. In short, lame means "the tactic you used to beat the snot out of me with".


It's funny how they contradict themselves. The rules state, "Be courteous to all of your opponents, you will learn from them, and in turn they might learn from you, and you never know but one day they could be there to help you out." Well RED, let me just say that you neither treat ALL of your opponents with respect, but you also apparently have AN EXTREMELY difficult time learning from your opponents. You must be gods at this game if you haven't learned a single thing from your opponents. Otherwise, you'd be fighting like Unnamed Jedi by now, or beating Break_dF. you have no more honour than the next person, in fact, I say you have less honour than the next person. Kicking people that defeat you mercilessly is not courteous or honourable. According to the people on this forum, you form of courtesy consists of kicking people that kick the snot out of you, and decrying people as lamers. I thought you were supposed to LEARN FROM YOUR OPPONENT. Don't forget the courtesy guys. Falsly accusing people is not exactly courtesy. It doesn't work in real world politics, and it certainly doesn't work in something as small as a video game.

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Sanguis Frater FF/SO



Saber off = dead noob.


Type killing is welcomed and encouraged.


"Force whoring" is mandatory.


All players are required to use profanity.


Our server's "rules" ^



Seriously though, as along as people have a good time and don't be total ******** by doing things like reconnect-dropping people in duels, we pretty much let them do what ever they want.


Pretty much the only time someone gets kicked from our server is when they just flat out get on our damn nerves. Generally this is due to non-stop whining and complaining.

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Originally posted by Unnamed Jed1

Saber off = dead noob.


Type killing is welcomed and encouraged.


"Force whoring" is mandatory.


All players are required to use profanity.



Now if you could only find the server of the "police", and enforce them there...


Nice rules btw

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