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func_rotating Help


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SIncee the titleisalready what it is -


I'm trying to figure out how to even get a Rotate to WORK. I've got an origin brush, and it, as well as the brush I want to rotate, are part of the same func_rotate brush. SO far as I can tell, that's all I should need to do, but... well.. it don't turn. So... what am I missing?

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Originally posted by Shadriss

SIncee the titleisalready what it is -


I'm trying to figure out how to even get a Rotate to WORK. I've got an origin brush, and it, as well as the brush I want to rotate, are part of the same func_rotate brush. SO far as I can tell, that's all I should need to do, but... well.. it don't turn. So... what am I missing?


Wish I could help you, Shadriss, but I've never tried to do anything with func_rotate. My only suggestion would be to do what I do when trying something new - make a little test map and try different things. If you figure it out, let me know.

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Um, I think it should just go. As long as there's an origin brush at the rotation axis, anything you select with the origin brush will rotate around that axis. Is there a start_on flag you need to check? Maybe there are some other entity attributes that need to be changed, like the speed value.

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