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Darth Sidious wanna start a PA?

Dr. Zaius

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Assumably, you would have to be an Imperial. Give another couple of weeks as I am working out some details with a couple old MUSH buddies to see if we can get the ball rolling. I will keep you up to date though.


Also, the PA I plan to start will be highly RP oriented. Rank will be based on Good RP and skill. Dark Jedi will automatically have very high rank as there involvement and abilities will be held in the highest respect.

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First off, I am trying to convince an old MUSHing buddy if I can steal the name, titles and slogan from our PA there. Secondly, We will need a rank structure. Here is how the grouping currently works, in no specific order.


1)Politicians and Leaders

2)Espionage, Intelligance and Assassination (Will this apply?)

3)Techs and Medical

4)Soldiers and Squad Leaders


The four groups are all separated yet together. They work separately, but in unison if times are grave. This does not apply to the Techs and Meds as they will be assigned as they are needed.


If you would like to assist in the creation process that would be great. Take one of your professions as Politician and I will reward with rank in game.


As a precaution, should I not be allowed to use the name and titles from the org I wish to, we should think of some backup names just in case. Something catchy IE. Red Dawn, Legion of Eniquity.


Once we get all of that straightened out, I will put it up on the official site, get a forum on here and we should begin recruiting (probably should start now, but without a proper name it's more difficult). Possibly, as an option, get another small Imp PA to join us for added strength.


I will announce this right at the beginning, we will be playing on the Starsider East coast server.


Please feel free to add in your two cents, as this will be your PA as well man. ;)


Oh, on another note, keep in mind that the leader will be voted on every week, so one week it may be me.....but soon after.....you? Just something I thought everyone should know. Makes it kind of cool, so everyone can con their way to the top. :D



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ok, that all sounds good. Starsider east you said? well, as to your offer to be a leader, i might have to decline, i jus wanna be like the cool guy right under the leader. Hmm lemme think of an example. Ah, in Mortal Kombat 3 Sho-Kahn is the leader, and Montoro is the cool guy you fight right before Sho-Kahn. I wanna be like Montoro. Jus the cool guy who doesnt say much. I will however find/create godly mandlorian armor and wear that, or have the royal guard armor, then i will switch my job to something else, maybe bounty hunter or assassin, pending on how many bounty hunters there are in game. If there are too many, then I will me an inteligence guy.


:guard: :guard: :fett::guard: :guard:

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I never really saw myself as the cool leader, more of the guy always bumping someone off to get ahead. ;)


I am sure that there will be plenty of hunters in the game. Very popular profession. I will definetely push to get permission to use the name and titles from the MUSH. If so, we should be rolling in a couple of days. As I said though, as a precaution we should think of some alternate names so as not to delay creation any longer than needed.


Red Dawn (Kind of cheesy)

Legion of Eniquity (Some potential maybe)

Dark Sovereignty (Hmmm)

The Dominion (Hmmm yet again)


I think I actually like the last two. Any suggestions. Heck, I might even consider ditching the other name and titles entirely for some of these just so we can get rolling. I checked and it looks like they are all free. Lets just hope

-Legion- (a rather large PA) doesn't step onto Starsider. Perhaps we can work out an arrangement with them?


Possible slogans:

1)Know Fear......be Fear. (stolen, so without permission....)

2)Look to the darkness and there you shall find (insert name).

3)We are the lurkers, the unseen. We control from the shadows. Though you have not seen us, be aware, we have seen you.


Okay, so maybe those might be a little overboard, but you get the general dark, secretive, controlling feel I am looking for right?



Red_Apocalypse wrote: The beginning of a PA is always it's best time... if you need any help, feel free ask me anything. Been a member of one for over a year.

What kind of assistance can you offer? We will soon be seeking active members.


Unfortunately, as I do not have access to a web site, I may have to use a free one like YahooGroups or the like. In fact, I will set one up now.


Done. Go here and request to join.


This is very generic at the moment, but I will put more work into this in the near future.....following a name being chosen.

This way we can hold some more private discussions. No offense to anyone on these boards of course. ;)

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

How about the Ubiqtorate?

Strike that. Ubiqtorate is a real Star Wars name, so you most likely won't be able to use it. :rolleyes:


Actually, for a brief period that name was forced on the PA I was talking about. Some guy got promoted to admin and decided to force his opinion on everyone. Anyway, they had it changed back to what it is now and I am really hoping they will allow me to use it. The ranking system is quite interesting and the slogan rocks (the above is the short version, I can't remember the whole thing unfortunately). I'll try and log onto the MUSH this evening and check with the guy that started/runs it.

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dude I have some questions,


What planet is our base gonna be on?


Is it gonna be out in the middle of nowhere, or near a major settlement?



Do you have msn or aim?

If so what is ur sn?


are we both co-founders?


if you could answer these, then I would be happy.



:guard: :guard:

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What planet is our base gonna be on?


I was planning on Coronet Corellia. We will probably not have an official base as we are a secret organization. That is debatable though, if we did, it would be very secluded though.


Is it gonna be out in the middle of nowhere, or near a major settlement?


See above, capital city of Corellia, Coronet.


Do you have msn or aim?

If so what is ur sn?


I usually use Yahoo IM (irulual), but I can hook up to

AOL IM (irulual_).


are we both co-founders?


I have already given you credit as being one of the co-founders, should you not want this then I can take it off the Yahoo Group page.



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ok, we both are cofounders i guess then.


my aim name is: I Zaius I


maybe we could have our main base somewhere secluded, and have like a small outpost in coronet. By small outpost i mean a med size house that looks like a normal house all around, but in the basement we have like a secret meeting room and an armory, to store guns.


any ideas on a name yet?

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Well, as far as the name, I was hoping for your input. Also, if you join the Yahoo Group, we can use the chat feature there to share info faster.


As far as a secret base, I think it is do-able, though I think I would prefer it be someplace more populated. For example, why would anyone suspect that the Armorer that works and resides directly near the Imperial out post was a member of a secret org. Make sense? Hide in plain sight I always say. If you create a secret, hidden hide-out, and someone stumbles across it, they will recognize it for what it is. If that same establishment is in the open, under the guise of an Armorer or Weaponsmith, they will think that individual simply has a surplus he keeps in storage, and a secret room for business transactions.

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Originally posted by Red_Apocalypse

Er... well, I meant I can give you any advice on starting out your PA, not necessarily joining. I have lots of experience with Hac Tao, so if you're having any problems, we've probably had them too. :D


And you'd be Imperial, right? You'd be held in high regard, maybe for an affiliation in the future or something.


Good enough. I will definetely keep that in mind. Thanks. Alliances may be a necessity, but I have a feeling that a lot of smaller PAs will simply be absorbed by larger ones unless/because they have alliances. We will see what the future brings. I have a couple possible members lined up. If all pans out, I would love to be about the size of 'The Associates', much smaller might be ineffective and larger would probably involve a lot of restructuring the chain of command and create a more impersonal feel.


Anyway, I am rambling again.......

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Originally posted by Darth_Sidious

Good enough. I will definetely keep that in mind. Thanks. Alliances may be a necessity, but I have a feeling that a lot of smaller PAs will simply be absorbed by larger ones unless/because they have alliances. We will see what the future brings. I have a couple possible members lined up. If all pans out, I would love to be about the size of 'The Associates', much smaller might be ineffective and larger would probably involve a lot of restructuring the chain of command and create a more impersonal feel.


Anyway, I am rambling again.......

Any time. I don't know our current view on alliances, but if you ever get to a state where you're confident in having one, I'm sure we can work something out.

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

Uhm.... this is where the Private message sevrices were made for. if you realy have something to tell 1 person... PM him.


-Wraith 8-


I was kind of hoping to attract some members as well. Size will be a factor in the future I can imagine.


Also, thanks Red. I should hope it would be possible. We need to make ourselves viable first. Then we shall see. ;)

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lol do not let wizdoom join, he is jus gonna flame our pa. I hope we get to be as big as the assosicates, but i do not wanna be dissolved into another pa. i used the poll on the website and it wasnt the name that you wanted. heh, lemme kno what you think.

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