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Ownage Song


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Right just to state first that this isn't serious, I'm not that much of a goof. Just wrote this for a laugh, bout the attitudes of all the 'l337' players :D


L337 0w/\/4G3



I’m a l337 Haxor

I ownzor you all

Now I’m at my peak

Impossible to fall

With my roxoring strafe jumping

I am oh so fast

I’m an amazing player

How long will this last?


With my amazing skills

Your techniques aren’t worth poo

I’ll jump around, kill some guy

And then I’ll rocket you

I am just so l337

I am so damn good

Me with me, you’ll join the rest

You will wind up dead

I’ll cap you in the head

Did you hear what I said?


PH34R /\/\3


I’ll roxor you, you n00b

Don’t you dare challenge me

I’d cut you up and spit you out

And you would hardly see

You know that I’m the best

I’m the one you should pH34R

I sneak up behind your ass

You wouldn’t even hear


Don’t bitch at me bout laming

And get on with the game

Now quit with your complaining

Your crap, I’m good, what a shame

Whether deathmatch, CTF or some other mod

The principles all the same

I’ll own your ass n00b

You will cower at my name


Don’t even speak to me

You are not worthy

You bitch like my mum

And you fight like a girly

So now you’ve been creamed

What you gonna do?

Betta run away n00b

Before I ownzor j00

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LMAO @ Break.


Here's my version....


Teh ghey, teh ghey

Saber RPG noobs are teh ghey

Teh ghey, teh ghey

Teh RPG all da day


Saber up, time to die

Saber down, run and hide

To bad they suck, I wonder why

Their own server rules, they never abide


Teh ghey, teh ghey

Saber RPG noobs are teh ghey

Teh ghey, teh ghey

Teh RPG all da day


They WALK up to you saber down

You pull out a rocket launcher and go to town

They type to the server WTF?!

You laugh at them and reply STFU!!!


Teh ghey, teh ghey

Saber RPG noobs are teh ghey

Teh ghey, teh ghey

Teh RPG all da day


Policing server's, looking for lamers

They find you owning some flamers

Five of them surround you tight

A couple rockets and you've won the fight


Teh ghey, teh ghey

Saber RPG noobs are teh ghey

Teh ghey, teh ghey

Teh RPG all da day.


Now listen closely, you know it's true

You got ownered through and through

Go RPG on Galaxies

Leave this game to da Tres Elite!



HAHAHAHAH </sarcastic ass-titude>

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Originally posted by Kainite

Right just to state first that this isn't serious, I'm not that much of a goof. Just wrote this for a laugh, bout the attitudes of all the 'l337' players :D


L337 0w/\/4G3



I’m a l337 Haxor

I ownzor you all

Now I’m at my peak

Impossible to fall

With my roxoring strafe jumping

I am oh so fast

I’m an amazing player

How long will this last?


With my amazing skills

Your techniques aren’t worth poo

I’ll jump around, kill some guy

And then I’ll rocket you

I am just so l337

I am so damn good

Me with me, you’ll join the rest

You will wind up dead

I’ll cap you in the head

Did you hear what I said?


PH34R /\/\3


I’ll roxor you, you n00b

Don’t you dare challenge me

I’d cut you up and spit you out

And you would hardly see

You know that I’m the best

I’m the one you should pH34R

I sneak up behind your ass

You wouldn’t even hear


Don’t bitch at me bout laming

And get on with the game

Now quit with your complaining

Your crap, I’m good, what a shame

Whether deathmatch, CTF or some other mod

The principles all the same

I’ll own your ass n00b

You will cower at my name


Don’t even speak to me

You are not worthy

You bitch like my mum

And you fight like a girly

So now you’ve been creamed

What you gonna do?

Betta run away n00b

Before I ownzor j00


Can't believe someone actually took the time out of their life to create this garbage. Now Fallen on the other hand has some serious talent...

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I'm sure I have at least one fan. Some guy out there who nvr posts and just reads the forums thinking "OMG that guy Kainite is sooooo kool, I want his babies, where can I get a T-Shirt with his face on it?"


If its so pathetic then stop posting :p


Personally I'm amazed I've got so many replies ha ha, thought it'd just be glimpsed over and gone straight to bottom of list, thanx very much :D


By the way I didn't actually just sit down and write this, was bored at work.

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