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Euro Release?

Nando Shar

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Greeting's my first post on you're forum's.


Has anyone the remotest idea when a UK/Euro release will be,

after the US april release, i under no circumstance's can wait more than three month's, and if EQ is anything to go by, i think i'm gonna have to preorder from North America and play on US server's till the UK/Euro version come's out...and that's a point can i change my US account and charecter over to the UK/Euro version of the game...sorry i'm new to these mmmmmoorrrppgg game's.






Sativa Mineral Corporation


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Welcome to the SWGalaxies.Net Forum!!! :)


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As for your question, we don't know. There might be an announcment about that later this month or next (I mean I have read that somewhere), but definatly before the U.S. release.

At the moment they are talking to their partners abroad. :)

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I think the European markets plan on selling the US version, but they Europeans will have to connect to the US servers until the European ones are up and the deals finalized. Unfortunately, this is one of our biggest fears. If a large amount of Europeans join US servers, like the supposed large scale of Europeans on the Eclipse server, then they will be next to vacant after the Euro release. Oh, well, I'll just avoid Eclipse in that case.

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